Monday, February 8, 2021

The week of Feb. 8-12.

This week we will be having fun doing some Valentine activities gearing up for our Friday full of Valentine fun!  Please send in the Valentine boxes and Valentines on Friday!  I just don't have tons of space to store them all ahead of time!  Thank you!  I have to stick much needed things to come to school in front of my door I walk out of the night before!  Lol!

We are beginning to learn about the Long i patterns.  We will be talking about:  i-magic e on the end, igh, -y at the end such as "fly", and how "ie" can also make the long i sound.

Our new spelling words are:
Sight words:  when, your, they, to, which, of
Spelling words:  ride, time, like, light, right, sight

I was impressed with how well the whole class did on the last spelling test!  Thank you for working on the words at home too!  It makes a difference!  

I have seen such growth in all of the kids on their reading since Christmas!  Knowing more sight words and the long vowels rules has really improved their vocabulary to read books more fluently!  Listening to your child read each night as a priority is giving them a lot more confidence in their reading!  Thank you so much for helping your child take off on reading!  Keep practicing those sight words for 3rd quarter if your child hasn't passed them yet!

Math:  Our Chapter 5 math test on Place Value will be Thursday!  I feel like this skill has been the easiest for all of the kids.  

Parent-Teacher Conference Sign-up
Thank you for signing up so quickly on my conference sign-up!  

**Please continue to have your child practice tying shoes.  I'd like for them all to be able to do this before leaving first grade!  

Coming up!

Feb. 5.       Long a Spelling Test

Feb. 12.     Bring Valentines and decorated mailbox to drop valentines in (see note)

Feb. 15.      No School-President's Day

Feb. 19.      Long i spelling test

Feb. 24       1/2 day school--Parent/Teacher conferences 

Feb. 25.      No School--P/T Conferences

Feb. 26       No School

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