Thursday, February 18, 2021

Feb. 18-19

It's great to be back to school!  We had a fun day doing Valentine's Day activities!  See the pictures below.

Reminder:  The spelling test will be on Tuesday.  Please work on these with your child as we haven't had much time at school.

American History!  We are learning about George Washington the next few days.  

100's Day is Tuesday!  Please bring in your child's 100 collections!  I believe I mentioned that we will dress up like 100 year olds on Mar. 12.  It will actually be Friday, March 5! Sorry for the confusion of dressing up on a different day, but thank you for your understanding!

A note will be coming up giving more information on 100's day tomorrow!

We will not have any little reading books coming home until after conferences the following week.  

 A Conference Reminder came home today in your child's binder.  Please post that nearby for information about our Zoom!  

Have a great weekend!

I love all of the Valentine boxes!

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