Tuesday, February 2, 2021

The week of Feb. 2-5

Thank you to everyone that reached out about the passing of my Grandmother!  I really appreciate it!  I heard about other Grandma's that reached 100 too!  It's pretty cool!

Thank you for making sure your child's math homework gets done if I assign it.  Those are pages I want to make sure they are understanding.  They do have lesson 10 for tonight to do.

Small Group little book--This is not the multiple books in a bag.  It is when I send only one book in a bag with a skill sheet.  The bag with 4-5 books can be kept at home to reread the books for practice.  

Please make sure to have your child read the small group little books 2-3 times at home and do the worksheet included, and send back within 2 days.  I have found that if a book isn't returned in 1-2 days, it gets piled on top of at home and could get lost.  If this happens, I won't be able to send home books with your child and you will have to pay for the book.

Valentine Boxes--I hope you are all finding shoeboxes for your child to decorate.  If not, maybe another family member or friend has one.  Please help your child decorate, cut a hole for the cards and send back on Feb. 12.  The cards are fine with only your child's name on it, but they can write their classmates' name on it if they can read the names.

Sign Up Genius for Parent Teacher Conferences
I will be sending this out by Friday!  Please choose a time that works for you!  You do not have to choose the same time/day as the fall conferences.  All conferences will be on my Zoom again.  

Sight words this week!--when, your, they
Long A spelling test is this Friday!  We have been working hard at school and I can tell you are also practicing them at home!  Thank you!

This week we are finishing up our Kansas Unit.  We read about Famous Kansans too!  
1. The Man who invented basketball!--James Naismith
2. Famous Author who lived in Kansas--Laura Ingalls Wilder
3. Famous Pilot-Amelia Earhart (We are reading a book about her now)
4. Famous astronaut--Steve Hawley
5. Famous President--Dwight D. Eisenhower (We will be reading about him soon)

Coming up!

Feb. 5.       Long a Spelling Test

Feb. 12.     Bring Valentines and decorated mailbox to drop valentines in (see note)

Feb. 15.      No School-President's Day

Feb. 19.      Long i spelling test

Feb. 24       1/2 day school--Parent/Teacher conferences 

Feb. 25.      No School--P/T Conferences

Feb. 26       No School

Chiefs Pics!

This is taken at Nebraska Furniture Mart.

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