Monday, April 12, 2021

The week of April 12-16

 We are on Day 14 on our chicks growing!  Only 7 more days to go!  

This week we are finishing up our mapping unit.  We learned about the seven continents and four oceans last week.  Today we made our own world with them on it!  How many can your child name?

In ELA we are going to be talking about different kinds of Technology now and from the past.  Our story, Using Technology At Work, tells about various occupations that use technology and what kind they use.  We will also learn about how robots can be helpful to humans.

After reading nonfiction books about technology, we will compare and contrast a fiction book on the topic to review the difference between the two.

Math--I am sending home math homework on time to the half hour.  We drew the minute hand on clocks in math today and wrote the digital time.  This will be the same for the homework page to practice before our test on Wednesday.  They seem to be understanding it for the most part.  At times, they may forget that when the minute hand is on the 6 is is not 2:6, but 2:30 or half past two.  You can count by 5's with them to get to the 6 to help them remember it's 30 min. after the hour.

Spelling!  R-controlled vowels.  er/ir/ur (test is April 23)

Sight words:

make, like, him, into, time, has

Pattern words:

girl, first, germ, verb, hurt, burn

Clues to remember which r-controlled vowel to use in each word.

ir--The girl is in first grade.

ur- The burn on my leg hurt me.

er- Germ is not a verb.

Coming up!

Tues.  April 20.   Chicks may begin hatching!!

Fri. April 23.     Spelling test

Fri. April 30.      Inservice. (NO School)

Fri. May 14.       Field Day

Fri. May 28.       Last day of first grade!!  It's a half day!

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