Monday, April 5, 2021

The week of April 5-9

 What a beautiful Easter weekend!

This week we will continue with our long u spelling words.  The test will be Friday.

Along with spelling the words, make sure to work on your child reading the words.

The kids have done great on making their bedroom maps.  Thank you for helping them with that.  If your child has not done it yet, please make sure to do that this week.  We began sharing the maps today!

This week we will learn more about the map of our country and the world.

Tomorrow we will begin learning about telling time on an analog clock.  If you have analog clocks at home, see if the kids can tell you the parts: the face, the hour hand being the short hand and the minute hand being the long hand.  We've also talked about the second hand, how many minutes in an hour and seconds in a minute.  

We will learn about telling time to the hour and half hour.

Chicks!  We are on day 7 for our chicks in the incubator.  On day 8-10 we will candle the eggs and see if we can see movement!  The kids can't wait for that!

Tying shoes!  Please continue to work on your child tying shoes at home!  It is a life skill that they really should know how to do before 2nd grade.  Thank you for helping with this!

Coming up!
Fri. April 9.      Long u Test
Fri. April 30.    Inservice--No School

Mon. May 3.     NO School

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