Sunday, April 18, 2021

The week of April 19-23

This week will be full of excitement waiting for our baby chicks to begin hatching!  We are hoping for a good hatch out of our 6 eggs.  Updates will be coming!

The fourth quarter is going to fly by so we want to keep working hard on the sight words!  I have sent home a list of any words your child needs to work on.  Leaving first grade knowing all 100 sight words or more is our goal!  Please continue working on those with your child.

If you haven't looked at your child's 3rd quarter grade card on Skyward yet, please do!

The spelling test is this Friday!  Please work hard with your child to make sure he/she knows which r-controlled vowel to use in the words.  It's very confusing!!

Spelling words!  Make sure to have your child read the words while learning to spell them.

Spelling City has this spelling list on it.  Your child can click on it and get to it from the Blog for a fun way to review the spellings!

Sight words:

make, like, him, into, time, has

Pattern words:

girl, first, germ, verb, hurt, burn

Clues to remember which r-controlled vowel to use in each word.

ir--The girl is in first grade.

ur- The burn on my leg hurt me.

er- Germ is not a verbGerm is tricky since we read it as a soft g.  Please make sure your child reads it correctly.

Chapter 8 math test will come home this week!  It was pretty tough as they all seem to be.  Continue to review telling time when you have a chance.  It's a difficult concept to learn to tell time on an analog clock.  If you have one in your home, ask your child what time it is if it's on the hour and half hour.  I have only introduced telling by time to the minute.

Chapter 9 is on 2-D shapes using flat shapes and pattern blocks.  We will also have fun with Geoboards this week.  Your child needs to know how many sides and vertices (corners) the square, rectangle, triangle, circle, and trapezoid.  The kids will use the pattern blocks to fill in shapes of animals.

ELA/Social Studies--Plants!  This week we will be learning what plants need to survive, the parts of a plant, and we may even plant something!

Please continue to work on your child learning how to tie shoes.  It's a self-help skill that is so important and your child feels so good when they accomplish it!  If you haven't begun teaching them, please start working on it, as it takes lots of practice to do it well.  Thank you for working on this!

Jackets--Please make sure your child's name is in their jacket in case it gets left outside at recess.

We finished our mapping unit with some fun mapping centers!  It was a lot of fun playing Stack the States on an iPad app, playing Orboot Earth on a special globe, listening to  lots of info. and national anthems on interactive globes, finding all of the states abbreviations and filling them in on a map, and also doing puzzles of the U.S.A!
Enjoy the pics below!

Coming up!
Tues.  April 20.   Chicks may begin hatching!!

Fri. April 23.     Spelling test

Fri. April 30.      Inservice. (NO School)

Fri. May 14.       Field Day

Fri. May 28.       Last day of first grade!!  It's a half day!

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