Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Welcome to First Grade!

I am so excited to begin the new school year with your children!  For those of you that know me, I am now in the first grade hall now after being in a Kindergarten room for 11 years!  I look forward to teaching beside the other first grade teachers this year! I switched to first grade mid August last year, but stayed in my old kdg room.

This is my First Grade Blog that I send out each week.  I will let you know about the happenings in our class and include pictures of your children working, playing, and learning throughout the year.  You are welcome to save the pics to your computer!  You can also share the blog with grandparents or other family members so they can also enjoy your first grader in school. :).  Please let me know if you do not want your child to be pictured on the blog.

I will try to send out the blog on Mondays unless we aren't in school on a Monday or I'm unable to do it that day.  I will let you know if it isn't coming to you that day.  Please ignore the blog address as I taught Kindergarten 12 years with that address, so it's easier to just keep it. :)

Masks--As we all know, we are back to masking at school.  It's a real bummer, but needed, and we will adjust to it again.  Please make sure your child has a mask that fits their face well.  Adult masks just do not fit in all areas.  Please keep an extra one in their backpack so they can get it out if theirs gets wet.  

Water bottles--Your child will want to bring a snack and water bottle each day.  The water fountains have water fill up stations and we may not be able to use the fountain.  I love the idea of bringing 5 snacks at a time at the beginning of the week, so they don't forget one.  We have the first lunch this year at 10:50-11:19, and our snack time is late in the day at 3:00, so I sure don't want your child to have to wait until 4:00 for a snack at home. 

You may be familiar with blogs that you respond to, but this is not one of those.  I share with you, but you are not able to respond on the blog.  Feel free to email me if you'd like to comment or ask about anything on the blog.

Birthdays!  Your child is welcome to bring pre-packaged snacks for each friend.  Please check on the box to see if it is from a nut-free company.  I try to celebrate birthdays on their birthday or as near as possible.  I will be contacting you about a day that works for you and our class.  If you haven't heard from me and the birthday is getting close, please email me to set up a day.  Your child will bring the snack with them to school and we will pass them out during our snack time around 3:00.  I have several August birthdays very close together, so I will be emailing those of you today or tomorrow!

I hope you enjoy this first grade blog this year!  

My family went to Yosemite National Park and San Francisco in July!  Here is one of our pics from the enormous Sequoia tree!  We thought they looked like they were right out of the Jurassic Park movie!

Yosemite National Park

Golden Gate Bridge

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