Monday, August 16, 2021

The week of August 16

 I hope you had a wonderful weekend!  It doesn't seem long ago that I had a first grader, and I just dropped her off at K-State yesterday.    Time flies so fast!  I hope you enjoy every minute with your child!  I'm loving all of your children in my class!  They are so sweet and respectful!  Kudos to you all!

There's a few things to get in the habit of that I want to mention.

1.  Please email both myself and the office with absences or you can leave a message on the office voicemail.  Make sure to tell what the illness or reason is for your child not being at school.  The office secretaries are: Jill Ussery--,  Chelan  Phone--422-8700.  If it's an emergency, press 0 after dialing to get to a human. :)

2.  If you know your child has an appointment where he/she will be late to school, please make sure to contact us and let us know what they will be having for lunch so I can go ahead and mark them down for one.  

3.  Just a reminder: If your child needs to be changed for dismissal, please email me and the office by 2:15 so I see is during my plan time.  If it's past 2:40, make sure to call the office so they can let me know.

4.  Make sure to have your child get out their green take-home folder every day and show you their papers in it.  If you have any notes/papers for me, stick it in their folder and they know to put them in my mailbox when they get to school.  

5.  Thank you for keeping extra masks in their backpacks!  Some masks just don't fit as good as others, and it's great to have an option to help when they keep coming off!

Reading-This week we are reading fun books about rules and following directions!  We've had a lot of great conversations and practiced doing things the correct way and incorrect way like David in "David Goes to School".

Math--We are counting to 30, writing numbers to 10, and playing games to work on number sense.  All fun!

Around the room--We are also learning all the things around the room!  Explore tubs, our class library, how to shop for books in the library, and Calendar so far!

First day of school pictures!

We took our mask on for a quick picture so we could see our cute faces!


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