Monday, August 23, 2021

The week of August 23rd

 We have lots of new things happening in our class this week!  The biggest change is our lunch time.  Due to our lunch period having too many kids to separate with 7 classes, our class is moving to a new time.  We were 10:50, but starting tomorrow we will be going at 12:36-1:05.  It's a big change!  Our snack time will move to 10:10 to help with the late lunch.  Please make sure to send a snack each day or a whole week's worth on Mondays so your child has a snack.   A healthy snack and lunch to fill up their tummies is preferred!  It will be a long, long morning wait until lunch!

Phonics!  Wiley Blevins is our phonics curriculum

Today we began our new Phonics curriculum.  Short a is our first letter/sound we are working on.  Each lesson will last 2 weeks, so we will work with short a patterns throughout the two weeks.  You will be seeing worksheets from our book coming home.  Each 2 week lesson will also have four high frequency sight words that we will be learning.  The first five lessons are:

1--short a

2--short i

3--short 0

4--short u

5--short e

What can you do at home to support our learning at school?  

1.  Have your child read through the short vowel words on the lesson worksheets that come home.  Also, have him/her read the sentences on the lesson worksheets to practice reading the words.

2.  Write the 4 high frequency words on notecards and have your child practice saying them each day, then review them when new ones are introduced at the beginning of the next lesson.

3.  There will be a decodable story each lesson that will come home at the end of our two week lesson.  Keep it in a safe place and have your child read it several times to master decoding short vowel words.  

I'll be adding more tips for Phonics as we get into the program!

Math!  My Math is our math curriculum.

Today we began our Chapter 1 on addition concepts.  We will be doing 2 pages front/back most days.  If we do not finish the last page, please work with your child to finish it at home, but you do not need to return it unless I write "Do" at the top of the page.  There will be times, that I feel that extra practice is needed on a concept and I'll send home the homework page to be returned the next day. I will have them write "Do" at the top, so you will know it needs to be completed that night and returned the next day if possible.  Some students may choose to do the homework sheet on their own and that is fine!  I will not require them to bring it back, but it would be wonderful if a parent or older sibling could check it over at home to make sure it is done correctly. :)

Please let me know if you have any questions about our curriculum!

Hopper of the Day!

Today we began our Hopper of the Day!  Each day will be a new Hopper helper.  I go in ABC order by the last name.  They have many jobs--Pledge leader, calendar, line leader, erase the board, check that ipads are charged at the end of the day, and any other jobs that arise.  He/she may also choose to sit in our Hopper desk (the old time school desk).

Ticket and marble rewards!

We have a class marble jar that the class works as a team to fill up!  This class is listening well, walking quietly in the hall, helping keep our classroom picked up, and being kind to each other to name a few ways to get marbles!  When the jar is full, we will vote on a class reward.

Tickets are given individually to those that follow directions, keep their desks clean, help out their table pod, etc.  On Fridays, they will get to shop for trinkets, treasure box items, candy, or non-tangible rewards like bring a stuffed animal to school, extra iPad time, sit in the teacher's chair all day, etc.  

On that note, I would like to share my Amazon wish list to help purchase items for our shopping if you choose!  I would really appreciate any purchases for our class that you would be willing to contribute!  Thank you to those that have already done so!  It helps me out so much! 

Coming up!

Mon.     Sept. 6.  No School/Labor Day

Tues.     Sept. 21.   Individual /Class pictures

Wed.     Sept. 22.    2 Hour Delay-- Start time @10:30

Thurs.   Sept.  24.   Lap-a-thon

Wed.     Sept. 29.     1/2 day school/ Parent teacher conferences--dismiss at 12:10

Thurs.   Sept. 30.     No School   P/T conferences

Fri.        Oct. 1.         No School

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