Monday, September 27, 2021

Short week-Sept 27-Sept 29

 I hope you had a wonderful weekend!  

With conferences this week, we only have 2.5 days!  Don't forget that we dismiss at 12:10 on Wednesday.  I'm looking forward to meeting with you at your scheduled time/day.  I hope you found your child's conference time/day reminder in their folder.  If something comes up and you need to reschedule on the day of your conference, please call the office and let them know and they will make sure I get it.  I don't want to miss your email if I'm in a conference.  I will get back with you and reschedule.


This week we are continuing with subtraction in math, talking about "How many more?" in our word problems.  How can you help at home to practice?  Ask questions such as "How many more girls than boys in our family?"  "How many fewer knives than forks on the table?"  Then have your child tell you or write down the subtraction problem that would go with it.

ELA/Social Studies

Goods and Services- Visit with your child about a service you might do in your job or goods that you buy at the store.

Consumer/Producer--Is your place of work a consumer or producer?  Visit with your child about being consumers when you purchase items.  Or has your child had a lemonade stand before?  They would be a producer!


Short o continuation through next week.  

Today we took a written word inventory test to see how your child is doing knowing their vowel sounds and hearing all of the sounds in a word.  We took one a month ago, and I was happy to see that most of the class improved on their segmenting the words and writing the correct letters.  I will share with you how they did at conferences!

Conference information!

Those who chose a zoom conference, I will do my best to get on your zoom on time.  However, if I'm running a few minutes late, please do not get off.  The conferences are in 30 min. increments.  I will let you in my room as soon as my previous parent is off.  I will send home a folder with the information that I will share with you on Tuesday.  Please keep everything in the same order, so we can go through it together, as I will keep a copy here for me.

Those who chose in-person conferences, I will have chairs in the hall to wait until the conference before you is over.  I will come out and get you.  I will share your child's folder at our in-person conference, so it will not come home on Tuesday.

Also, if you are on zoom in-between my in-person conferences on Thursday, please be aware that I will need to get on the zoom as soon as my in-person conference leaves, so please be patient. :) Thank you!

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Lap-a-thon donations!  Please send these in asap!  Any amount is helpful for the PTO to purchase items for our classrooms, kids, and school!  We so appreciate your generosity no matter how much you can give!

I have a lot of Lap-a-thon pics to share with you, but our server will only let me Airdrop the first picture, before we began!  I'll try again next week!

Coming up!

Wed.     Sept. 29.     1/2 day school/ Parent teacher conferences--dismiss at 12:10

Thurs.   Sept. 30.     No School   P/T conferences

Fri.        Oct. 1.         No School


Before the race!

Not pictured-Jamison Royer and Stella Velasco

Monday, September 20, 2021

The week of Sept. 20

 We have a busy week ahead!  

Picture Day is tomorrow!  We are only having individual pictures.  No class pictures.

Wednesday is Late Start Day!!  Doors open at 10:30,  school begins at 10:50  Same dismissal time.

Friday is Lap-a-thon.  Our class runs at 9:30-9:50.  You are welcome to come cheer us on, but only parents can come.  The course will be in the bus loop.

Parent-Teacher Conferences are next Wed. Sept. 29 and Thurs. Sept 30.  You have chosen either Zoom or In-Person and your time.  I will be sending a reminder for your day/time this week!  Please double check what you have down on your calendar.  

We had so much fun guessing all of the Community Helpers last week!  Thank you for helping your child find items for their helper!  Friday the kids had a blast building "Scott's Town" out of kleenex boxes!  See pictures below of both!

ELA/Social Studies--Our next unit is on Economics.  This week we will be talking about wants and needs.  Today we learned what "bartering" is and how people long ago traded items since money wasn't invented yet.

Phonics--short o.  I am sure noticing how well these kids are decoding cvc words after explicit teaching with our new Phonics textbook.  Continue to have your child reread the words on the worksheets that come home, as it is really helping them!  

Our new sight words are:  jump, see, and, stop 

(jump, stop are not in our Fry's sight word list, but are in our Phonics text)

Last week's words were:  my, play, like, the,  to, do, what, this

Sight words lists--I will be testing the children over sight words this week.  If your child passed list 1-25, I will move on to list 26-50.  

Math--Chapter 2 is on subtraction.  Today's lesson 3 was confusing for some as he/she wanted to add and put the big number last.  If you see the homework ws in your child's folder, please have them do it and return it. They need a little more practice with today's concept.  

***Look for homework on Wednesday this week over vertical subtraction with dominos.  Please make sure to have your child return it and make sure they are understanding the concept of subtraction.

Coming up!

Tues.     Sept. 21.   Individual /Class pictures

Wed.     Sept. 22.    2 Hour Delay-- Start time @10:30

Thurs.   Sept.  24.   Lap-a-thon

Wed.     Sept. 29.     1/2 day school/ Parent teacher conferences--dismiss at 12:10

Thurs.   Sept. 30.     No School   P/T conferences

Fri.        Oct. 1.         No School

Our 1st grade Community Helpers!

Fire Chief Grayson

Captain Hanks, Army

Ms. Arnold, Teacher

Dr. Benlon, Vet

Fire Chief Doll

Dr. Bertholdi, Vet

Gymnastics Coach Cowan

Soccer Player Reino Hellman

Construction Worker Mr. King

Soccer Player Zoe Musil

Dr. Njoroge

Airport Police Officer Silas Njoroge

Dr. Pelcak, Vet

Ms. Schomaker, Music Teacher

Dr. Romo, Vet

Mr. Ramsey, Teacher

Police Officer Royer

Soccer Coach Shultz

Ms. Velasco, Teacher

Police Officer Goodwin

Police Officer Gifford

Scott's Town
Building it!

Our Community!

Monday, September 13, 2021

The week of Sept. 13

 I hope you had a sunny, fun weekend!  How about those Chieeffss!!  What a game!

The class picked their favorite community helper to write about.  This week we will finish up our unit by putting together our chosen community helper and writing what we know he/she needs to know to do that job, why we chose them, and what they would need for their job.

I really need kleenex boxes from home for the class to be able to make their town on Friday.  I only have one.  If you have any close to being empty, please consider sending it in.


We have another week of working with short i, cvc words.  It's so helpful for your child to have them read over all words we work with on the worksheets coming home.  I'm noticing the kids blending the words much better and decoding the words to read them.  

Our "heart" words this unit are:  to, do, what, this

Last week's words were:  my, play, like, the

Please review these daily with your child.

Fry's lightening Fast sight words-- I am sending home a list with the first 400 sight words today.  I will test your child over 25 at a time.  When they pass the list, I will send it home with a certificate and the next 25 words.  We would love to complete the list of 400 words by the end of the year.  This will really help your child be an awesome reader by the end of first grade!  We will be learning the words on the list in our Phonics, but they are not in the same order as the Lightening Fast words in the packet.

So, don't be confused when I share the "heart" words we are learning from our Phonics.  They will also be on the list of 400.  

Math this week!  Our Chapter 1 math test will be on Wednesday!  Whew!  It was a long chapter!  I feel like the class is understanding how to use different strategies and tools that we have learned when adding.  They will be able to use any of these for the test to help as they need it.  

Chapter two will be on Subtraction Concepts.  Subtraction always seems to be more difficult for the children, but we will learn strategies to help us and how to use the manipulatives we have in our math toolkit to work them.

Reading books with your child!

Please hold on to any paper books that are sent home and put them in a safe place to keep pulling out for your child to read such as; a folder or a basket. Feeling successful at reading is our first goal for your child to love reading and want to read!  Please read with your child each night for 10 minutes to help build that love for reading!  After reading a story with your child, ask them the 5 finger retell to check that they are comprehending and remembering the details in the story.

5 finger retell

1.  Who are the characters?

2.  What is the setting of the story? (Where the story takes place)

3.  What happened at the beginning of the story?

4.  What happened in the middle of the story?

5.  What happened at the end of the story?

Using linking cubes to solve our addition problems!

Coming up!

Tues.     Sept. 21.   Individual /Class pictures

Wed.     Sept. 22.    2 Hour Delay-- Start time @10:30

Thurs.   Sept.  24.   Lap-a-thon

Wed.     Sept. 29.     1/2 day school/ Parent teacher conferences--dismiss at 12:10

Thurs.   Sept. 30.     No School   P/T conferences

Fri.        Oct. 1.         No School

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

The week of Sept. 7-10

 The weekend ended up beautiful!  

Rainbow of the week!

This week we are beginning our "Rainbow" of the week.  I will be the first Rainbow so the kids know what to do.  I have made a poster of my favorite family pics. and it is on our Rainbow of the week bulletin board.  Your child may also make a picture poster with favorite family, pets, sports/activities, etc.

Each Monday of the week before, I will send home a "Fun Facts" sheet to a student.  Please help your child fill it out so we can learn more about our friends in class.  I would like it back by the following Monday.  The class will make a sheet for our friend about what they learned about our Rainbow of the week, and I will make them into a booklet for your child to keep! 

Please let me know if you have any questions when it's your child's turn.  I am planning on just going through ABC order of last names.

Community Helpers!

Last week we began our unit on Community Helpers.  This week we will be learning about: a Mailman, Doctor, Veterinarian, and Fireman.

Our unit will last through next week.  Today, your child will be bringing home information about the community helper project due Thurs. Sept. 16.  Your child will need to pick a community helper they might like to be when they grow up.  Help your child fill out the back of the info sheet.  Each will dress up with a few props and bring in 5-6 tools in a bag that their helper might use.  The class will guess what their job is!  

Community Helper Project Based Learning-- Also at the end of our unit, the class is going to make a town using empty tissue boxes.  If you empty one, would you please save it and send it to school?  More than one is great, in case not all bring one.

Math this week!

Chapter one continues!  It is a long chapter finding all of the ways to make addition problems up to 10.  Thank you for making sure your child does any homework I assign!  It also helps you to know if they are understanding the concept. Look for another homework page using ten frames on Thursday!!!!!!!


Our new Phonics book is a great text for learning about the short a the last two weeks! Make sure to have your child read the little paper book that comes home at the end of our unit.  By the time it goes home, we have read it a couple of times, highlighted our "heart" sight words, and circled our short vowel words.  It will be helpful for your child to review the words on the sheets that come home and practice the sight words daily until he/she knows them well.

We will be making words with letters.  Last week we glued them on our Phonics sheet, but I'm going to send them home when we get to the sorting worksheet, so your child can make words at home too.

 Our next unit it on short i.   The "heart" words are:  





Coming up!

Tues.     Sept. 21.   Individual /Class pictures

Wed.     Sept. 22.    2 Hour Delay-- Start time @10:30

Thurs.   Sept.  24.   Lap-a-thon

Wed.     Sept. 29.     1/2 day school/ Parent teacher conferences--dismiss at 12:10

Thurs.   Sept. 30.     No School   P/T conferences

Fri.        Oct. 1.         No School