Monday, September 13, 2021

The week of Sept. 13

 I hope you had a sunny, fun weekend!  How about those Chieeffss!!  What a game!

The class picked their favorite community helper to write about.  This week we will finish up our unit by putting together our chosen community helper and writing what we know he/she needs to know to do that job, why we chose them, and what they would need for their job.

I really need kleenex boxes from home for the class to be able to make their town on Friday.  I only have one.  If you have any close to being empty, please consider sending it in.


We have another week of working with short i, cvc words.  It's so helpful for your child to have them read over all words we work with on the worksheets coming home.  I'm noticing the kids blending the words much better and decoding the words to read them.  

Our "heart" words this unit are:  to, do, what, this

Last week's words were:  my, play, like, the

Please review these daily with your child.

Fry's lightening Fast sight words-- I am sending home a list with the first 400 sight words today.  I will test your child over 25 at a time.  When they pass the list, I will send it home with a certificate and the next 25 words.  We would love to complete the list of 400 words by the end of the year.  This will really help your child be an awesome reader by the end of first grade!  We will be learning the words on the list in our Phonics, but they are not in the same order as the Lightening Fast words in the packet.

So, don't be confused when I share the "heart" words we are learning from our Phonics.  They will also be on the list of 400.  

Math this week!  Our Chapter 1 math test will be on Wednesday!  Whew!  It was a long chapter!  I feel like the class is understanding how to use different strategies and tools that we have learned when adding.  They will be able to use any of these for the test to help as they need it.  

Chapter two will be on Subtraction Concepts.  Subtraction always seems to be more difficult for the children, but we will learn strategies to help us and how to use the manipulatives we have in our math toolkit to work them.

Reading books with your child!

Please hold on to any paper books that are sent home and put them in a safe place to keep pulling out for your child to read such as; a folder or a basket. Feeling successful at reading is our first goal for your child to love reading and want to read!  Please read with your child each night for 10 minutes to help build that love for reading!  After reading a story with your child, ask them the 5 finger retell to check that they are comprehending and remembering the details in the story.

5 finger retell

1.  Who are the characters?

2.  What is the setting of the story? (Where the story takes place)

3.  What happened at the beginning of the story?

4.  What happened in the middle of the story?

5.  What happened at the end of the story?

Using linking cubes to solve our addition problems!

Coming up!

Tues.     Sept. 21.   Individual /Class pictures

Wed.     Sept. 22.    2 Hour Delay-- Start time @10:30

Thurs.   Sept.  24.   Lap-a-thon

Wed.     Sept. 29.     1/2 day school/ Parent teacher conferences--dismiss at 12:10

Thurs.   Sept. 30.     No School   P/T conferences

Fri.        Oct. 1.         No School

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