Monday, September 27, 2021

Short week-Sept 27-Sept 29

 I hope you had a wonderful weekend!  

With conferences this week, we only have 2.5 days!  Don't forget that we dismiss at 12:10 on Wednesday.  I'm looking forward to meeting with you at your scheduled time/day.  I hope you found your child's conference time/day reminder in their folder.  If something comes up and you need to reschedule on the day of your conference, please call the office and let them know and they will make sure I get it.  I don't want to miss your email if I'm in a conference.  I will get back with you and reschedule.


This week we are continuing with subtraction in math, talking about "How many more?" in our word problems.  How can you help at home to practice?  Ask questions such as "How many more girls than boys in our family?"  "How many fewer knives than forks on the table?"  Then have your child tell you or write down the subtraction problem that would go with it.

ELA/Social Studies

Goods and Services- Visit with your child about a service you might do in your job or goods that you buy at the store.

Consumer/Producer--Is your place of work a consumer or producer?  Visit with your child about being consumers when you purchase items.  Or has your child had a lemonade stand before?  They would be a producer!


Short o continuation through next week.  

Today we took a written word inventory test to see how your child is doing knowing their vowel sounds and hearing all of the sounds in a word.  We took one a month ago, and I was happy to see that most of the class improved on their segmenting the words and writing the correct letters.  I will share with you how they did at conferences!

Conference information!

Those who chose a zoom conference, I will do my best to get on your zoom on time.  However, if I'm running a few minutes late, please do not get off.  The conferences are in 30 min. increments.  I will let you in my room as soon as my previous parent is off.  I will send home a folder with the information that I will share with you on Tuesday.  Please keep everything in the same order, so we can go through it together, as I will keep a copy here for me.

Those who chose in-person conferences, I will have chairs in the hall to wait until the conference before you is over.  I will come out and get you.  I will share your child's folder at our in-person conference, so it will not come home on Tuesday.

Also, if you are on zoom in-between my in-person conferences on Thursday, please be aware that I will need to get on the zoom as soon as my in-person conference leaves, so please be patient. :) Thank you!

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Lap-a-thon donations!  Please send these in asap!  Any amount is helpful for the PTO to purchase items for our classrooms, kids, and school!  We so appreciate your generosity no matter how much you can give!

I have a lot of Lap-a-thon pics to share with you, but our server will only let me Airdrop the first picture, before we began!  I'll try again next week!

Coming up!

Wed.     Sept. 29.     1/2 day school/ Parent teacher conferences--dismiss at 12:10

Thurs.   Sept. 30.     No School   P/T conferences

Fri.        Oct. 1.         No School


Before the race!

Not pictured-Jamison Royer and Stella Velasco

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