Tuesday, September 7, 2021

The week of Sept. 7-10

 The weekend ended up beautiful!  

Rainbow of the week!

This week we are beginning our "Rainbow" of the week.  I will be the first Rainbow so the kids know what to do.  I have made a poster of my favorite family pics. and it is on our Rainbow of the week bulletin board.  Your child may also make a picture poster with favorite family, pets, sports/activities, etc.

Each Monday of the week before, I will send home a "Fun Facts" sheet to a student.  Please help your child fill it out so we can learn more about our friends in class.  I would like it back by the following Monday.  The class will make a sheet for our friend about what they learned about our Rainbow of the week, and I will make them into a booklet for your child to keep! 

Please let me know if you have any questions when it's your child's turn.  I am planning on just going through ABC order of last names.

Community Helpers!

Last week we began our unit on Community Helpers.  This week we will be learning about: a Mailman, Doctor, Veterinarian, and Fireman.

Our unit will last through next week.  Today, your child will be bringing home information about the community helper project due Thurs. Sept. 16.  Your child will need to pick a community helper they might like to be when they grow up.  Help your child fill out the back of the info sheet.  Each will dress up with a few props and bring in 5-6 tools in a bag that their helper might use.  The class will guess what their job is!  

Community Helper Project Based Learning-- Also at the end of our unit, the class is going to make a town using empty tissue boxes.  If you empty one, would you please save it and send it to school?  More than one is great, in case not all bring one.

Math this week!

Chapter one continues!  It is a long chapter finding all of the ways to make addition problems up to 10.  Thank you for making sure your child does any homework I assign!  It also helps you to know if they are understanding the concept. Look for another homework page using ten frames on Thursday!!!!!!!


Our new Phonics book is a great text for learning about the short a the last two weeks! Make sure to have your child read the little paper book that comes home at the end of our unit.  By the time it goes home, we have read it a couple of times, highlighted our "heart" sight words, and circled our short vowel words.  It will be helpful for your child to review the words on the sheets that come home and practice the sight words daily until he/she knows them well.

We will be making words with letters.  Last week we glued them on our Phonics sheet, but I'm going to send them home when we get to the sorting worksheet, so your child can make words at home too.

 Our next unit it on short i.   The "heart" words are:  





Coming up!

Tues.     Sept. 21.   Individual /Class pictures

Wed.     Sept. 22.    2 Hour Delay-- Start time @10:30

Thurs.   Sept.  24.   Lap-a-thon

Wed.     Sept. 29.     1/2 day school/ Parent teacher conferences--dismiss at 12:10

Thurs.   Sept. 30.     No School   P/T conferences

Fri.        Oct. 1.         No School


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