Monday, October 25, 2021

The week of October 25

Fall is definitely here!  I love all of the colorful leaves and pumpkins!

Friday is our Halloween activities! The kids have been counting down to Halloween! Luckily the weather shows no rain as of today! But, it will be cool, so wearing a warm sweatshirt under the costume, may be wise for the parade and recess. The Halloween parade will be at 9:00. We will be walking outside around the building. We will begin out the first/second grade hall doors and head north toward the side of the building. Please find the map on the Smore.   Your child may wear their costume all day if it is comfortable.  They can also wear it over their clothes and take if off.  Please no make-up or weapons.  Masks may be worn if he/she can see easily.  

Phonics! Look for your child's Fluency Check sheet over the short vowels: a, i, o, u  is in their folder today.  Reminder:  the green box for accuracy is checked if the word is sounded out correctly.  The blue box for automatic fluency is checked if your child can read the work without sounding it out.  Have your child read the words at home, so you can hear how they are doing too!

Unit 5 began today over short e.  I know how busy you are in the evenings, but having your child practice reading the words on the phonics pages that come home will give them practice with decoding words on their level.  The more your child reads, the more fluent he/she will get!

Consonant Digraphs--We are learning about consonant digraphs in reading.  Ch, sh, th, wh, ph when at the beginning and end of sentences.  Try not to tell them what these are when reading with them.  See if they can remember them on their own by using the actions we've learned.

Science/ELA-This week we are learning more about the moon, the phases of the moon and about the moon, sun, and earth relationships.  Each day we are looking at the phases of the moon on my moon app and filling out our moon calendar.  

Math-This week we are counting by 2's learning about doubles and using the doubles to solve addition near doubles such as; 5 + 5 and 5 + 6, 6 + 6 and 6 + 7.  It will be a new strategy we will use to solve problems with answers up to 20.

Coming up!

Oct. 27.   Tye Die/Neon Day

Oct. 29.   Halloween parade and activities in classroom

Nov. 1.   PJ Day for fun after Halloween night!

Nov. 4.     Picture retakes

Nov. 10.   Late start day--10:30 arrival

Nov. 12.   CCE Spirit Wear Day

Nov. 20.    Winter Wonderland--9-noon

Nov. 24-26.  Thanksgiving Break

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

The week of Oct. 19-22

 I hope everyone had a nice long weekend!  

I can't believe we are half-way through October already!  

Thank you for sending in the flashlights.  I will be sending those home this week.  We did some fun things with shadows and looking around the room for words with them!

Science/ELA-This week we are beginning our science unit on the Moon.  We will do a KWL about what we Know, Want to know, and what we Learned about the moon.  I have lots of fiction and nonfiction books that we will be reading about the moon.  Tomorrow will be a full moon, so we will begin the moon cycle that takes us through what phase the moon will be at each night.  Each child will have a calendar with moons on each day to color what it will be like that night.  We will learn a lot about the moon!

Phonics-Short u.  Look for the short u decodable book to come home this week!  It will also have our high frequency sight words in it: little, are, with, have!  Please have your child read it to you at home.

Today we thought of word families for -ug like bug, hug.  We will also do word families for -ut like hut, cut.  Last week we thought of word families for -un, like bun, fun.  See if your child can rhyme with short families in the car when you are driving somewhere!

Math-The class did great on their Chapter 2 math test over subtraction.  I'll send that home soon, once I've given it to those absent and go over it with the class.  Our next chapter is on addition again.  We will be learning new strategies to add such as; using doubles (6 + 6), doubles + 1 (6 + 7), doubles minus 1 (6 + 5).  We will also do more counting on using the number line.  

Writing sentences--It will be helpful if you have your child write a sentence or two a week about anything to practice.  Have them read it back to themselves or to you and make sure it makes sense, as they often leave out words or forget to add an -s on the end of a word to make it plural.  Also, have them check for a capital at the beginning and punctuation mark at the end.  The more practice he/she gets, the less reminders they will need. :). Thank you!

CCE Fritz Night--Tomorrow is CCE's night to eat at Fritz.  A portion of the proceeds will go back to CCE!!  I will be there to help out from 5:45-6:15 if that time works for you and you choose to eat there.  If another time works better, enjoy seeing other CCE teachers!  

Tomorrow is also team sports day!  Your child can wear their favorite sports team clothing.

Coming up!

Oct. 20.     CCE night at Fritz!

Oct. 22      Grade cards on Skyward

Oct. 29       Halloween Parade - 9:00. See the Smore for the outside parade route information.  We will do fun Halloween activities in our classrooms.

Monday, October 11, 2021

The week of Oct. 11

 It's great to get back to school!  I love seeing the kids again!  

I have a request.  Please make sure to check your child's folder daily to empty out finished work, see any important notes, and make sure homework gets completed.  There should've been a math lesson 13 homework page from Friday over fact families in your child's folder to due for today.  I only had 10 handed in.  Unfortunately there were two without names.  Thank you for your help with this!  I don't like to send homework on Fridays, so the kids have a break, but I wanted them to have extra practice on fact families since I wasn't here.  Tomorrow is totally fine to turn it in! :)

Science/ELA--We began our new science unit today on LIGHT.  We are talking about natural and artificial light.  If you haven't had a chance to send a small flashlight with your child, please do so soon!   If you don't have a small one, I have a few extras to share!  Thank you!

Unit 4 Phonics--Short u (our action is pointing up and saying "uh, uh, uh".

Tomorrow our phonics worksheet coming home has many short u words and reviews the short a, i, o words too.  Please have your child sound these out using their body walk or arm walk if they need it!  

Unit  4 Sight words:  little, with, have, are

Sight words lists:  Please continue to practice/review the sight words lists when they come home.  I will test over the lists whenever I can fit it in!  

Math this week!  We will be reviewing the next 2 days over our subtraction unit.  The test will be on Thursday!

Reminder:  No school Friday.  1/2 day workday, 1/2 day professional development inservice

No School Monday, Oct. 18.  Inservice all day.

Coming up!

Oct. 14.     End of 2nd qtr.

Oct. 15.     No school -1/2 Professional Development/1/2 workday

Oct. 18      No school -Inservice all day

Oct. 20.     CCE night at Fritz!

Oct. 22      Grade cards on Skyward

Oct. 29       Halloween Parade - more info. to come

Monday, October 4, 2021

The week of Oct. 4

Thank you all for coming to your child's conference!  It is so wonderful for your child to have your support at home and school!  I always enjoy getting to know the parents of my students better too!

Much like last week, we are working on the same units in our subjects.

In ELA/Social Studies we are finishing up our Economics unit on Goods/Services and Consumers/ Producers.  The students will be in pairs to do a mini project on Goods and Services.  They will collaborate to design a business of their choosing.  Each business will pick goods their business will sell and how much each good will cost.  They will also need to brainstorm services their business will sell.  It'll be a fun project!

Phonics--This is our last week focusing on the short o.  We will be reading our short o decodable book on Frogs. Look for it to come home one day this week.  Please have your child read it to at least 2 people at home.  Make sure to be patient with your child as he/she sounds out the words on their own only helping them after they've had wait time to sound it out on their own! :)

Math- Subtraction is still our focus.  This week is getting harder.  We are subtracting from 8, 9, and 10.  We will be using our number lines more as a strategy to count back.  

Sight words! Thank you for all of your support at home working on sight words with your child.  It takes a village to learn these!  The more we learn, the more books we can read!  

Science next week!  We will begin our first science unit next week!  It will be on Light and sound.  A note is coming home today, to bring a flashlight to school.  Preferably a small flashlight with new batteries!  We will keep these a few weeks at school.  Thank you!

Halloween Costumes--please make sure that your child has a costume that can be put on easily over their clothes as we will not be able to have parent help to help them.  

Coming up!

Oct. 11     Bring a flashlight

Oct. 14.     End of 2nd qtr.

Oct. 15.     No school -1/2 Professional Development/1/2 workday

Oct. 18      No school -Inservice all day

Oct. 22      Grade cards on Skyward

Oct. 29       Halloween Parade - more info. to come


Thanks to the PTO for the popsicles after our hard word!  

Please turn in any donations by this Friday, Oct. 8 to help our school, staff, and students enjoy fun stuff!

 A much needed rest!