Monday, October 4, 2021

The week of Oct. 4

Thank you all for coming to your child's conference!  It is so wonderful for your child to have your support at home and school!  I always enjoy getting to know the parents of my students better too!

Much like last week, we are working on the same units in our subjects.

In ELA/Social Studies we are finishing up our Economics unit on Goods/Services and Consumers/ Producers.  The students will be in pairs to do a mini project on Goods and Services.  They will collaborate to design a business of their choosing.  Each business will pick goods their business will sell and how much each good will cost.  They will also need to brainstorm services their business will sell.  It'll be a fun project!

Phonics--This is our last week focusing on the short o.  We will be reading our short o decodable book on Frogs. Look for it to come home one day this week.  Please have your child read it to at least 2 people at home.  Make sure to be patient with your child as he/she sounds out the words on their own only helping them after they've had wait time to sound it out on their own! :)

Math- Subtraction is still our focus.  This week is getting harder.  We are subtracting from 8, 9, and 10.  We will be using our number lines more as a strategy to count back.  

Sight words! Thank you for all of your support at home working on sight words with your child.  It takes a village to learn these!  The more we learn, the more books we can read!  

Science next week!  We will begin our first science unit next week!  It will be on Light and sound.  A note is coming home today, to bring a flashlight to school.  Preferably a small flashlight with new batteries!  We will keep these a few weeks at school.  Thank you!

Halloween Costumes--please make sure that your child has a costume that can be put on easily over their clothes as we will not be able to have parent help to help them.  

Coming up!

Oct. 11     Bring a flashlight

Oct. 14.     End of 2nd qtr.

Oct. 15.     No school -1/2 Professional Development/1/2 workday

Oct. 18      No school -Inservice all day

Oct. 22      Grade cards on Skyward

Oct. 29       Halloween Parade - more info. to come


Thanks to the PTO for the popsicles after our hard word!  

Please turn in any donations by this Friday, Oct. 8 to help our school, staff, and students enjoy fun stuff!

 A much needed rest!

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