Monday, October 11, 2021

The week of Oct. 11

 It's great to get back to school!  I love seeing the kids again!  

I have a request.  Please make sure to check your child's folder daily to empty out finished work, see any important notes, and make sure homework gets completed.  There should've been a math lesson 13 homework page from Friday over fact families in your child's folder to due for today.  I only had 10 handed in.  Unfortunately there were two without names.  Thank you for your help with this!  I don't like to send homework on Fridays, so the kids have a break, but I wanted them to have extra practice on fact families since I wasn't here.  Tomorrow is totally fine to turn it in! :)

Science/ELA--We began our new science unit today on LIGHT.  We are talking about natural and artificial light.  If you haven't had a chance to send a small flashlight with your child, please do so soon!   If you don't have a small one, I have a few extras to share!  Thank you!

Unit 4 Phonics--Short u (our action is pointing up and saying "uh, uh, uh".

Tomorrow our phonics worksheet coming home has many short u words and reviews the short a, i, o words too.  Please have your child sound these out using their body walk or arm walk if they need it!  

Unit  4 Sight words:  little, with, have, are

Sight words lists:  Please continue to practice/review the sight words lists when they come home.  I will test over the lists whenever I can fit it in!  

Math this week!  We will be reviewing the next 2 days over our subtraction unit.  The test will be on Thursday!

Reminder:  No school Friday.  1/2 day workday, 1/2 day professional development inservice

No School Monday, Oct. 18.  Inservice all day.

Coming up!

Oct. 14.     End of 2nd qtr.

Oct. 15.     No school -1/2 Professional Development/1/2 workday

Oct. 18      No school -Inservice all day

Oct. 20.     CCE night at Fritz!

Oct. 22      Grade cards on Skyward

Oct. 29       Halloween Parade - more info. to come

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