Tuesday, October 19, 2021

The week of Oct. 19-22

 I hope everyone had a nice long weekend!  

I can't believe we are half-way through October already!  

Thank you for sending in the flashlights.  I will be sending those home this week.  We did some fun things with shadows and looking around the room for words with them!

Science/ELA-This week we are beginning our science unit on the Moon.  We will do a KWL about what we Know, Want to know, and what we Learned about the moon.  I have lots of fiction and nonfiction books that we will be reading about the moon.  Tomorrow will be a full moon, so we will begin the moon cycle that takes us through what phase the moon will be at each night.  Each child will have a calendar with moons on each day to color what it will be like that night.  We will learn a lot about the moon!

Phonics-Short u.  Look for the short u decodable book to come home this week!  It will also have our high frequency sight words in it: little, are, with, have!  Please have your child read it to you at home.

Today we thought of word families for -ug like bug, hug.  We will also do word families for -ut like hut, cut.  Last week we thought of word families for -un, like bun, fun.  See if your child can rhyme with short families in the car when you are driving somewhere!

Math-The class did great on their Chapter 2 math test over subtraction.  I'll send that home soon, once I've given it to those absent and go over it with the class.  Our next chapter is on addition again.  We will be learning new strategies to add such as; using doubles (6 + 6), doubles + 1 (6 + 7), doubles minus 1 (6 + 5).  We will also do more counting on using the number line.  

Writing sentences--It will be helpful if you have your child write a sentence or two a week about anything to practice.  Have them read it back to themselves or to you and make sure it makes sense, as they often leave out words or forget to add an -s on the end of a word to make it plural.  Also, have them check for a capital at the beginning and punctuation mark at the end.  The more practice he/she gets, the less reminders they will need. :). Thank you!

CCE Fritz Night--Tomorrow is CCE's night to eat at Fritz.  A portion of the proceeds will go back to CCE!!  I will be there to help out from 5:45-6:15 if that time works for you and you choose to eat there.  If another time works better, enjoy seeing other CCE teachers!  

Tomorrow is also team sports day!  Your child can wear their favorite sports team clothing.

Coming up!

Oct. 20.     CCE night at Fritz!

Oct. 22      Grade cards on Skyward

Oct. 29       Halloween Parade - 9:00. See the Smore for the outside parade route information.  We will do fun Halloween activities in our classrooms.

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