Monday, February 7, 2022

The week of Feb. 7-11

 ELA/Social Studies:

We learned a lot about Kansas History in January and are finishing up that unit this week.  Our next unit is American History with Presidents' Day coming soon.  We will learn about a President's job, why George Washington and Abraham Lincoln are important to our country, what famous presidents are on our coins, what our country's symbols are, and much more!  

Guest teacher:

Did your child tell you about our guest teacher we had here Friday morning?  My niece, Ella Scott, is a senior at Tonganoxie High School, and would like to be an art teacher.  She wanted to come in and teach an art lesson to my class.  They had so much fun with coloring hearts with markers.  Ella sprayed them with water so the colors would blend together.  Then, the kids added a black border and glued them onto colored paper.  They all turned out so colorful!  See the picture below!  We will finish the project by writing an "I Love" journal to add to it!  


We took our chapter 5 math test, but I will keep them to show you at conferences.  Today we began chapter 6 on Two Digit addition and subtraction.  

Sight words:

Thank you for continuing to practice the sight words with your child.  I am definitely seeing improvement in all of the kids' oral reading. 

Parent Conference Sign-up!  If you haven't had a chance to sign up for your child's parent conference please do so here.

Valentine Heart Art!  (so cute)

Coming up!

Feb. 14.    Valentine's Party. 3-3:30. Bring 22 Valentines with only From:  your child's name on them.  Decorate a box or bag at home to put Valentines in and bring it to school on Feb. 14!

Feb. 16.    1/2 day school/Parent-Teacher conferences 

Feb. 17.     All day Parent-Teacher conferences

Feb. 18-Feb. 21.   No School

Feb. 23.    CCE Skating Party  and PTO night at Sombreros

April 21    1st grade music program at 6:30

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