Monday, February 28, 2022

The Week of Feb. 28-Feb. 4

 We are already loving this warm weather today!  

Yearbook order forms are coming home today!  The online order is due Mar. 25.  If you haven't seen one from a previous year, they are very nice and colorful.    Please consider ordering one for your child as we will have a yearbook signing with all of first grade at the end of the school year.  If it doesn't work for you to get one, no worries.  Your child will have a sheet to get signatures on, and can look at a friend's yearbook that day.  

ELA/Social Studies-- I showed the class a Power Point I made of pictures from when my family visited Washington D. C.--Washington Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Abe Lincoln's Hat from the Am. Hist. Museum, Arlington Cemetery, and many Mount Vernon pics. Mount Vernon is still one of my favorite places to visit!  Just knowing I was in George Washington's house still amazes me! :). Unfortunately the White House was closed when we were there.  Hopefully you will be able to take your child there one day!

American Symbols!  We are going to be learning our American Symbols the next two weeks!  This week will be Mount Rushmore, the American Flag, the White House, and Statue of Liberty.  We will also listen to the "Star Spangled Banner" and what the words mean in the Pledge of Allegiance.  I just love learning about our American History!

Phonics:  Finish long ee, ea, and short ea sounds like: head, thread

We will begin Lesson 17 on Long o (o-go, oa-boat, ow-slow, o_e-those).  Much like the long e digraphs, the long o digraphs will also be tricky to know which ones to use in a word.

Suffixes:  ful-playful, less-hopeless

Please continue to read the decodable books that come home and keep these in a folder or safe place to pull out and reread throughout the year!  It will help your child's fluency!

Math this week!

Our math test will be tomorrow over 2 digit addition and subtraction.

Chapter 7 --Organize and Use Graphs will be our next chapter.

Coming up!

Mar. 9.      CCE Papa Murphy

Mar. 14-21.  Spring Break

Mar. 25.   Grade cards posted

Mar. 31.    Spring pictures

April 6.     Delayed start--School begins at 10:30

April 15/18  No School

April 21.    First Grade Program @ 6:30

April 21    1st grade music program at 6:30

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