Monday, May 23, 2022

The last day of first grade!

 It's hard to believe that we made it to our last day of first grade!  Many accomplishments have been made by your first graders this year!  You are welcome to go back to past Blog posts to see all of the pictures of our first grade experiences!  We've had so much fun!

Enjoy the many pictures from field day and our animal habitats!  We have been busy!

I will be sending home a packet that has your child's 4th quarter skills report along with a collection of your child's work this year tomorrow.  I hope you enjoy seeing the growth from the beginning to the end! :) If by chance your child gets sick and is unable to be here on our last day tomorrow, I will leave their packet and gift from me in the office for you to pick up. 😀 

Field Day!!

Animal Habitats

Have an awesome summer!!
I'll miss you 2nd Graders!
💜 Mrs. Scott 💜

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