Monday, May 9, 2022

The week of May 9-13

 I hope all of our Mothers had a wonderful Mother's Day!  We made cards for you!  If you didn't see it, look for it in their folder or in their papers that were brought home!  I want to personally say THANK YOU mommas for all that you do for your children.  You are doing a fantastic job raising them!  

Enjoy the pictures below of your child holding one of the chicks from a kindergarten class!  The kindergarten classes hatched chicks for their farm unit.  

This week in Phonics we are moving on to --or, ore, oar.

When the /or/ sound is on the end of word it is often spelled -ore such as; more, store, score.

If or is followed by a consonant, such as corn or fork, we usually use the or spelling.

Then we have the oa vowel team that is tricky to remember--oar, soar, roar.

High Frequency Words 

open, walk, buy, every

We learned about suffixes and not we will learn about 


 dis (not) dislike, distrust

pre ( before). preheat, preplan

Math--Our math test for our last chapter on 3D shapes will be on Wednesday!  

Beach Week!

Next week we will be doing lots of beach theme activities!  

Science--This week we will be learning more about animals.  Today we read a book about What if you had Animal Ears? It's a fun book about how the ears are useful to the animals.  Then, the class wrote what they would look like with the animal ears they chose and how they would use the ears.

We will be choosing an animal to research and find facts about it.  

Habitats!  Please have a shoe box here by Monday, May 16th to make our animal habitats. If you don't have any shoe boxes,  please let me know!

Coming up!

May 13      Field Day

May 16.     Field Day Raindate

May 18.     Papa Murphy's Food Night
                   Ukraine Kaleidoscope Program (Visitors from Ukraine bring articles, do dances, and inform us on Ukraine). I bet we will learn even more this year about their history!

May 24.    Last day of school--1/2 day

Here we are with the chicks from Ms. Howard's Kindergarten chick hatch!  I hatched chicks for 10 years when I taught KDG, so I had to go back and see them!

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