Monday, May 2, 2022

The week of May 2-6

May!!  Wow!  Only 15 1/2 days left of school!  It has just flown by!  Your kids have come so far this year in all areas of first grade!  I am so proud of them!

We enjoyed Ernie Miller coming with their animals.  See the pictures below of the animals and the kids holding up the ecosystems of the animals.  

Today we began our animal unit learning about parents and their babies--What their babies for each are called and how they take care of them.

We will also be finding out what mammals are and which animals are animals.

Animal life cycles will also be part of our unit.  This week we will learn about the butterfly life cycle.

Phonics--We are finishing with "ar" and moving on to the r-controlled sounds ir, er, ur.  These sounds are tough to learn when to use them.  We will talk about when we hear the /er/ sound at the end of a word with more than one syllable, it is usually an-er.  

High frequency words:  your, because, always, want

Math--Chapter 10!  Our last chapter is on  Three-Dimensional Shapes (cone, cube, cylinder, rectangular prism, sphere)

We will be learning how many faces/vertices they each have, which ones can stack  to make a composite shape, and what faces are on objects.  ie.  a box has a square as a face.

Pictures from Ernie Miller!

Domestic Ferret Phantom--So cute!

Eastern Screech Owl- so cool!

Speckled King Snake

Our Kansas Reptile-The Ornate Box Turtle-Fast little guy!

Coming up!

May 13      Field Day

May 16.     Field Day Raindate

May 18.     Papa Murphy's Food Night
                   Ukraine Kaleidoscope Program (Visitors from Ukraine bring articles, do dances, and inform us on Ukraine). I bet we will learn even more this year about their history!

May 24.    Last day of school--1/2 day

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