Tuesday, December 13, 2022

The week of Dec. 13- 17

Only 4.5 days left this semester!  It has flown by and I am so proud of how much the class has grown academically, socially, and behaviorally this quarter!  

ELA--This week we are having fun reading Holiday books and doing various arts and crafts!  Look for a Gingerbread house pop-up coming home today! It might be a keeper to hold on to as the Gingerbread Man has a special person's picture on it! :)

Phonics:  Long o and Long u with the magic e on the end.  
Heart words:  don't, other, put, use.

Math this week--We are finishing Chapter 4 on subtraction from 20.  Our math test will be tomorrow!  The kids will be bringing home their Math Book 1.  We will begin the Math Book 2 in January.

Last week we enjoyed doing a STEM project by making a bed for Goldilocks out of  notecards, straws, pipe cleaners, and tape.  The only requirement is the bed had to be off of the floor.  The kids did a great job!  If your child is not pictured, several were gone that day.

Coming Up!
Tues. Dec. 20.    1/2 day school- Winter Celebration!
Dec. 20-Jan. 4     Christmas break
Jan. 5                  3rd quarter begins!

Mon., Jan. 9th: Grades Posted

Tues., Jan. 10th: Food Night at The Other Place

Mon. Jan. 16. No School

Thursday,  January 26th: 1st Grade Evening Music Program--Mark it on your calendars!!!


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