Monday, January 9, 2023

The week of Jan. 9-13

 I hope you had a wonderful winter break!  

We are back in the swing of school and getting readjusted to following directions and being ready to learn.  It always take time to get back in the groove.  

Grades will be posted at the end of the day today.  Please look on Skyward for your child's 2nd quarter grade card.  I will also be sending your child's quarterly skills for 2nd quarter in their folder today to help explain how they did this quarter.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

This week in ELA we are going to be reading "The Mitten" and "The Hat".  We will compare and contrast the two stories, along with doing some sequencing activities.  

Martin Luther King, Jr. will be a focus also this week with the holiday being on Monday and not having school.

Phonics this week is over single long vowels on the end of a word.

go, so, no

he, me, we


High frequency words are: new, school, friends, why

Math : I will be passing by the Chapter 4 test we took before the break.  Please look over this with your child.  

We are on Chapter 5 in a new math book.  It is on Place Value and money.  It is always helpful for your child to have them do the math homework.  If you have them do it everyday, it helps you see if they are understanding what we learned that day.  It is optional, but I do highly recommend it. :)

As always having your child reading sight words each night, reading books on their level like the paper decodable books that come home or any other books on their level 10 min. a night will be beneficial for improvement.  

Thank you for working with your child at home too when you can!  

Coming up!

Mon., Jan. 9th: Grades Posted and 2nd quarter skills sheet sent home

Tues., Jan. 10th: Food Night at The Other Place

Mon. Jan. 16. No School

Thursday,  January 26th: 1st Grade Evening Music Program--Mark it on your calendars!!!

Fri. Feb. 3. Author's visit

Feb. 8. Sombrero's Food Night

Feb. 14. Valentine's party 3:00-3:30

Feb. 15. 1/2 day. Conferences 4:15-8:00

Feb. 16. All day conferences

Feb. 17. No School

Feb. 20. No School

Winter Party building with marshmallows

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