Monday, January 9, 2017

Jan. 6-13.

Happy Monday to you all!  If you haven't had a chance to look at your child's grade card, please get on Skyward soon and check it out!  If you have any questions about it, let me know.  Please send back the signature page when you've seen it.  If your child had not yet passed all of the first and second quarter sight words, they were attached to the green 3rd quarter skills sheet.  Please keep reviewing the missed words and all words, so they don't forget them.  Thank you for all that you do!

Social Studies--Kansas Unit--This week we are learning about our state flower: sunflower, state tree:  cottonwood, state animal:  bison, state bird:  meadowlark, and the Jayhawk.  If your child was born in Kansas, you are called a "Jayhawker".  Of course it's not my favorite thing to be called.  LOL!

I will be sending home a sheet on Friday to fill out to tell where your child was born and what that state mascot name is.  The kids have fun telling what their mascot name is.  Then  we will graph them and see how many were born in Kansas and how many weren't.

Book Bash on Friday!  Your child can bring either a stuffed animal, pillow, or blanket.  Only one item please and it must fit in their backpack. :)  I am still in need of gummy worms if anyone wouldn't mind purchasing them for the class.  We need 32, so each can have 2 a piece.  They need to be put in their own individual baggie.  Please let me know if you are willing to donate worms!

I'll be sending home "Pennies for Patients" if you want to throw in any loose change to help out with that wonderful organization.

Reading this week!  
We are continuing with "Our Country, Our Flag" theme story.  We have been learning about how many stars were on the first flag and how many are on it now.  The kids are so intuitive and have many questions to ask about the first 13 states and how our country grew to 50 states!  I love their questions and their interest!

Martin Luther King will be our topic on Thursday since the holiday is next Monday.  We will read about him and make a mobile telling about our dream we have for our country.  Then we will tell about our mobile on Seesaw so you can hear your child's dream!  

Sight words this week:  were, we, here (here is not one of our required 50 words)
Letter of the week:  short i

Math this week!  
We all counted as far as we could!  I would like for each to be able to count to 50 by the end of this quarter.  I was real happy with how far they counted!  Test them at home and see how far they get!  While you're cooking dinner or doing laundry!  Kids love to talk, so this is their chance to talk!

We will also begin writing to 100 this week!  Once they see the pattern, they get it!

Coming up!

Jan. 13        Book Bash
Jan. 16        No School--Martin Luther King Jr. holiday

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