Monday, January 23, 2017

The week of Jan. 23-27.

I received a good report from the substitute on Friday!  I was prepared and brought back Las Vegas pencils for the class!

We are finishing up our Kansas pack this week!  Kansas Day is Sunday, Jan. 29, but we will celebrate Kansas Day on Monday with several Kansas Day activities.

This week we are learning about the Kansas Flag and it's characteristics, finding our state and county on the map, and fun activity pages.  We will also make a graph with those who are Jayhawkers and not Jayhawkers.  Can I tell you why there's 34 stars on the seal on the flag?

This Friday, we will finally have our Book Bash!  So, please remind your child they can bring either a stuffed animal, blanket, or a pillow.  Only one please and it has to fit in their backpack!!!  They can also bring one or two favorite books from home to read during "Read to self".

Reading this week! 
Theme 13  My House is Your House  (Ask your child the Spanish phrase they have learned from this text.

We will do a review packet together this week filling in words in the My House is Your House typed version.  Please read it with your child to review the 5 finger retell:  characters, setting, beginning, middle, end.  They will be tested over their comprehension of the book next Monday!
Sight words:  can, said (We are seeing "said" in a lot of our small reading books!)  Please continue to review sight words.  So far only one person has mastered all of 3rd quarter sight words!  We are now on 4th quarter words!

Letter of the week:  Nn

Math this week!  
Topic 7  Understanding Addition
We are now using the addition sign to join groups together.  I will be sending home flashcards soon to practice the math facts to 5.  It would be beneficial for your child going in to first grade if they knew the facts to 5 for addition and subtraction.  Subtraction will come home when we work on that topic next.  

Today we were noticing that if we know 3 + 3 =6, then 3 + 4 is only one higher, so the answer is one higher.  Try to use tips to help them understand how to get the answers by thinking not just using fingers or counters.

Coming up!  
Tues. Feb. 7        100's day celebration!  Info. sent home Friday!
Wed  Feb. 15      Parent/ Teacher Conferences (same times as the fall conferences)I'll 
send out the reminders soon!
Feb. 16-20           No school for Conference break and President's Day.

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