Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Welcome Back!

We had a great first day back!  It sounds like the kids enjoyed their break!  I was happy to see their sweet smiling faces ready to come back!

We have an extra fun day coming up next Friday, Jan. 13.  It is called our "Book Bash"!  Four of you signed up at the beginning of the year to attend it.  Those who signed up are:  Heather Keeler, Kathy Parks, Brooke Riffel, and Cindy Sanders.  If one of them can not make it, I will ask for a replacement.  More info. will be sent in the Friday folder this week.

Today, we had fun reviewing the 2D and 3D shapes from last quarter.  See the pictures below!

Next week we are going to be starting our Kansas unit.  We will learn all of the Kansas symbols, there are 10 of them.  Can you name them?

This week in reading.
Theme 14  Where I Live
Theme story:  Our Country, Our Flag
vocabulary:  march, country, past
Skill:  Phoneme addition and substitution.  example:  hat-hot, zag-zap

sight words:  what, all  (Please continue to practice 10 min. a day on these.  We reviewed all we have learned today, and I had a handful that seemed to know all of them)  We are only 3 words away from 4th quarter words.  So, we have learned 35 words!!  Can you child tell you most of them?  We have:  "were, we, when" from 3rd quarter.

Istation:  I know it's difficult to remember to have your child play on Istation as they have so many other things they'd like to do also.  I am seeing such a drop in activity overall and I'd really like them to be getting on this for 15 min. a day.  It reviews and introduces new skills.  It is a great program to reinforce what I'm teaching at school.  Please consider making it a priority before other games.  Maybe they could earn something extra at home for reaching their 50 min. a week on Istation.  I am adding a "Smartie" to my certificate for those that reach it!  It will make them SMARTER!  Thanks for helping your child be a better reader!  It is an app that can be uploaded to Ipads.

Book-it calendars are due!  Please send them in by Friday!

Math this week!
Topic 6  Numbers to 100!  We will be working on writing numbers to 100 next week!  Can your child count to 100 yet?  If not, have them give it a try.  Once they understand the pattern, they'll get it!

Coming up!
Jan. 6         Grade cards on Skyward!
Jan. 6          Send in Book it Calendars
Jan. 13        Book Bash
Jan. 16        No School--Martin Luther King Jr. holiday

3D shape snack sort and graph

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