Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The week of April 9-13.

What a fun puppet show we saw yesterday!  The Stone Lion Puppet Show came and had many Backyard Buggin' puppets that talked about taking care of our environment, how important clean water was, and how important bugs are in our backyard!
Below are some pictures of it!  I hope your kids enjoyed it and shared something with you about it!
The puppets were wonderful!

This week we are learning about sheep!  Today we read a book about them, thought of details about them, and picked a detail to write and illustrate in our barn books.

Reading this week!We are reading realistic fiction books and looking for problems and solutions, along with retelling the details!
sight words:  or, what
Letter of the week:  long o, aw-dipthong sound

Math this week!
We are continuing with Sorting, Classifying, and Categorizing Data.  This has been a fairly easy Topic for the kids.
Keep practicing those math facts when you have time!  Older siblings can review with your child too!

Incubator!  Check out the picture of our incubator.
We are learning about the chick growing in their eggs!  We have 6 eggs, however one had a crack when I put it it.  I looked on-line to see if it will grow, and found that one person put clear finger nail polish on the crack to keep the membrane in tact to protect it.  I'm not sure how far along that person's egg was in the 21 day incubation process though.  But, I put the polish on to see if it would hatch!  It'll be our experimental egg!

Coming up!
4/9-4/13     BOGO book fair
Apr. 18      Mom Squad Breakfast 8:00 am in the cafeteria
Apr. 23      No School--Professional Development for teachers
Apr. 27      Kindergarten Open House (2:30-3:15)  Please come! 
May 4        Farm Day in the AM for Scott's Class 
May 11      Field Day
May 24      Last day of school-1/2 day 
Puppet Show


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