Monday, April 30, 2018

The week of April 30-May 4!

Can you believe May is in the date above?  What a whirlwind of a year!  I hope you have seen as much growth in your child as I have!  The maturity of each of them was shown in our Open House program on Friday!  They controlled themselves perfectly on the packed risers!

Our next big Friday is Farm Day this Friday!  Our class and Mrs. Hanson's class will have our Farm Day in the AM.  It will begin around 9:00 and end before our lunch at 10:55. Your child is welcome to dress in cowboy/cowgirl attire. :)  The weather looks perfect!
If you are not volunteering at a station you are able to bring siblings up as long as they stay with you.

Each time I have a parent volunteer, we will ask who would like to try tying shoes and test over their addition facts.  We will begin testing subtraction facts for those who are ready!  Your child can let me know if they are ready!

Snacks!  We are so close to the end of the year, but we could use some more snacks.  If you haven't had a chance to donate in a while and would like to, we'd appreciate it!  

In reading this week, we are learning about Forces (Pushes and Pulls).  We will be doing some fun activities using magnets and other pushing and pulling objects!

Science:  We will be learning the body parts of a butterfly, talking more about their life cycle, and finding out the difference between a moth and butterfly.

Sight words:  We have our last two sight words out of the 50 this week!  their, were

Letter of the week:  long Ee  (ee, ea, e-e, y, and ie like in piece)

Spelling test--we are on test 9, our 2nd to last test!  I can't believe we are almost done with our spelling tests!  The kids have learned a lot about taking tests.  I love seeing them able to spell these words in their writing now!  I have attached both lists-one with challenge words and one without, in case you would rather your child to learn the other list than what they brought home.

Math this week!  All of the kids did awesome on their composing numbers to 19, so I don't foresee any difficulties with decomposing numbers to 19!  It's the same skill but with the answer first.

Coming up!

May 4        Farm Day in the AM for Scott's Class 
May 18      Field Day
May 24      Last day of school-1/2 day 

Holding our chicks!


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