Monday, May 21, 2018

The last week of school!

I can't believe I'm saying it, but your Kindergartner is so ready for first grade, so I guess I have to let them go!  Our last day is Thursday, dismissal at 12:10!  What a great year!

The pictures for Field Day look like they had a fabulous fun time!  Check them out below!

Today the kids were split in groups of 3 to design a boat that would be functional to float and hold linking cubes for our Engineering Design Science Standard.  Each got a piece of paper to design a boat.  Then they looked at each others drawing and talked about what parts they thought would work best for the boat.  Each group got a piece of foil folded in half for durability.  Then, they took turns constructing their boat close to their drawings. Each group put their boat in my tub of water and began putting one linking cube in at a time as we counted.  I told them that the biggest boat isn't necessarily the strongest boat, just like a tug boat.

However, in this case the biggest boat did hold the most cubes before sinking.  It held 213 cubes!  Then, the order was 140, 72, 72, 69, 26, and 19.  The lower numbers were very strong boats but couldn't hold as much as they were much smaller.  It was a fun activity that they had to work cooperatively, make decisions, and work together on.  See our pictures below of each boat and one of the boat floating with cubes.

Tomorrow we will have our Kindergarten yearbook signing party.  The yearbooks will come home tomorrow.

They will also be bringing home a few things a day, so they don't have so much to bring home all at once.

Reading--We have Scholastic magazines that we will be reading!
Math-- We are reviewing this week!

Reminder-  Our last day of school ends at 12:10.
Blog Pictures!  If you want any of the pictures on my blog, you can save them to your computer!

 Float or Sink Boats

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