Monday, October 1, 2018

The week of Oct. 1-5.

First of all, thank you again parents for attending  your child's conference.
I hope your child had a great 4 days off!

Please make sure your child gets their math homework from the weekend turned in tomorrow!
(It may still be in their folder.)
Sorry I didn't let you know it was coming home.

Apple Day is this Friday!  We need volunteers for our AM Apple Day stations!  You would need to be here from 8:30-noon if possible.  Please consider volunteering on the sign up genius for one of these stations below.  I know many of you would have to take off, but it is a fun half day and your child would love having you there!  I will resend the sign up genius for you to look at.  I had 4 of you sign up at Parent Info. Night.  If you can help out at one of the stations, please sign up.
Also, don't forget that your child needs to bring in one green Granny Smith apple by Friday.  You are welcome to send it in anytime this week though!
We need:

1 for apple tasting/graphing
2 for apple frames and pictures
1 for Apple Bingo and necklaces
2 for Applesauce and face painting
1 for Apple Stamping
2 for apple weighing

We will also learn about the seasons of the apple tree, make our own little books with the apple tree seasons, read a Johnny Appleseed book, and find out what's in an apple!

Our Kindergarten Field Trip is one month away on Friday, Nov. 2.  Today I drew 3 names from the 7 that signed up to go.  I'm sorry not everyone that signs up is able to go.  We are limited at Kaleidoscope.  I drew out--Karen Stahl (Grace), Lindsay Pecaro ( Makenna) and Jordan Guth (Declan).  I will be sending more information to you three about the field trip.  It is all day, so if any of you are unable to attend, please let me know asap so I can draw another name on my list.

Istation--I had 6 kids get certificates today for getting at least 30 min. on Istation and several others got on it too, but didn't quite reach 30 min!  Wow!  I was going to ask you to have your child begin Istation at home this week!  Those that reached 30 min. will get a certificate and piece of candy today!  Thank you for getting your child going!

This week in Reading!  We are reading to Goldilocks fairy tales.  One is Goldilocks and the Three Bears that was retold.  The author updated it with fun additions!  Ask your child to share some with you.  The second story is called Goldi Rocks and The Three Bears.  We will compare and contrast the stories and answer the 5 comprehension questions for each book--who, what, how, when, where.  The last fairy tale similar to the other two is called, Goldy luck and the Three Pandas.

Sight words:  we, by, brown  (Henry has this snack.)
Letter of the week:  Tt--we pretend to tickle when we say the sound.

Math this week!
We are counting and writing to 10, finding patterns, and reviewing before our math test next week.  

Handwriting--We are writing N and M, along with reviewing how to write F, E, D, P, B, R.

Coming up!
Oct 1-5      Peace Week aka Red Ribbon Week! Tues-Wear neon colors, Wed-wear PJ's and slippers (bring tennis shoes), Thurs-favorite team shirt or (brown shirt), Fri.--wear sunglasses

Oct. 4        Apple Day Setup at 5:30 in the Maker Space and Brown DayHenry has the snack.
Oct. 5        Apple Day!  Our class is from 8:30-12:00
Oct. 9        School pictures today!
Oct. 11      End of 1st quarter.  Black Day.  Robbie has the black snack
Oct. 12      No School  Inservice/workday for grade cards.  
Oct. 15      No School   Inservice all day
Oct. 18       Wear white today!  Zachary has the white snack.
Oct. 19      Gradecards posted on Skyward
Oct.  25     Wear pink today!  Chloe has the pink snack.
Oct. 31      Halloween Party!  Parade at 2:30 and party following until 3:15.  

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