Monday, October 22, 2018

The week of Oct. 22-26.

This week is a busy one!  The firemen come with their firetruck to talk to us about what the kids need to do in case of a fire, and then we will get to go outside and learn about the firetruck!  Please make sure your child wears their jacket as it's usually chilly outside in the morning.

We talked a lot about a meeting place outside your house, how to know if it's safe for them to open a door, and what to do if they have fire on them.  Most knew what to do--Stop, Drop, and Roll.

I am sending home a fire safety booklet tomorrow that your child can work on at home.  It's a good manual to talk about fire safety.

Book-It calendars--I reminded the kids to keep filling out their book-it calendar for this month to receive their free pizza coupon.  Several said they hadn't been filling it out.  Please help your child be responsible by coloring in an acorn when they read to you or you to them for 10 min. a day.  It helps them be aware of their learning!  I let them know that I put the calendar in their Parent-Teacher conference packet if it's not found.  If it's gotten lost, I can either copy one for you or you can write down on paper when you read.  Thank you!!!!!

Reading groups!  Our reading groups are off!  I want to apologize for the confusion of skill groups and books.  The groups did great with skills only last week, so I decided to begin sending home the little readers.  We will read them together one time in our group, so reading at least 2 more times at home will help them really know the words and comprehend what the story was about.  Using the 5 finger retell will let you know how your child is understanding what they read.  
Please send back the little reader, skill sheet, parent note in the baggie the next day.  Thank you!  Enjoy listening to your child read!!

Istation:  Many of the kids are getting on at home and working on reading skills on Istation.  If you are having difficulty getting your child on at home, please let me know and hopefully I can help out.  I suggest 10 min. a day at least 3 days a week.  The more min. the better, help those reading skills!  If you make it a priority first before playing, it will become a routine.
Thank you for all you do at home!

Reading this week!
We read our Benchmark Series book called What Do Plants Need?  Ask your child the 4 things plants need!  We have been talking about it a lot!
Letter of the week:  Ff, we pretend we are fishing when we say the /Ff/ sound.
Sight words:  at, look (bonus word) pink
Color of the week:  pink  

Science:  We will incorporate learning about spiders in to our reading and science this week and some of next week.  Tomorrow we will graph how we feel about spiders, do a KWL-Find out what we already Know,  tell what we Want to learn, then write what we Learned, after we read a book about them.  Then, we will read The Very Busy Spider for a fun fiction book.  If you come to our Halloween party, you will find spiders hanging around!!

Math this week!
This week we will be learning about 2 more, 2 fewer, and numbers on a number line.
You can help out at home by giving a number between 1 and 10 or more if your child gets it, and ask for one more, two more, one fewer or two fewer.

Coming Up!
Oct.  25     Wear pink today!  Chloe has the pink snack.

Oct. 31      Halloween Party!  Parade at 2:30 and party following until 3:15. 
Nov. 1        Wear orange today!  Peyton has the orange snack.
Nov. 2       Field trip--bring a disposable sack lunch and disposable water bottle.  More info. to come.
Nov. 8       Rainbow  snack--Mrs. Scott
Nov. 16     Happy Bear presentation
Nov. 21-25   Thanksgiving Break
White Day!

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