Monday, October 29, 2018

The week of Oct.28-Nov. 2.

We have another busy week!  Never a dull moment in kindergarten!

Our Halloween parade and party are Wed.  Please send your child's costume in their backpack or in a bag with their name on it.  Mrs. McCall sent out a Smore through Skyward.  She addressed school rules on costumes.  I know some of the kids have masks that go with their costume.  I'm going to say as long as they can see through the mask easily, they can wear it.  Mrs. McCall did say no wands, weapons, or make-up.  No scary masks either please.
Also, she is going to let KDG parents only come help dress at 2:20 since they need more help.  Coordinators can come at 2:20 to set up too.  Thank you everyone for volunteering to bring things for the party!  I love how KDG parents get involved in our class events!  We will begin the parade in our hall, walk down 1st/2nd hall, outside and back down 3rd/4th hall, and finish in our room.We're looking forward to a great party!

Our field trip is this Friday.  We will leave promptly at 9:00.  Please make sure your child is here at 8:40 at the latest so we can get name tags on, disposable sack lunches in place, and ready to head at 9:00.  We are asking everyone-kids and adults-to wear RED to be spotted easily.  It is supposed to be 51 degrees on Friday for a high, so your child better wear a jacket or sweatshirt on the bus.  The bus driver will stay with the bus, so we will probably leave the jackets on the bus so we don't have to carry them.  But, good to have them just in case...
Make sure your child goes to the bathroom right before leaving home.  We won't have much time before getting on the bus.

This week in reading.
Last week we read about "What Plants Need to Survive".  This week we are reading, "What Animals Need to Survive".  We will compare the two informative texts, and learn more about glossary and index. We will also read a fiction animal book that animals are talking in to look for the quotation marks to notice the difference between nonfiction and fiction.

Spiders!  We made a spider flip book of the Garden Spider, Black Widow, and Tarantula.  Look for that  on our spider web in our room!  Also look at our KWL poster beside the web to find out what we learned about spiders!

If you come to the Halloween party, look for our class quilt in the hall that we made on our opinion about "Spookley the Square Pumpkin", and our Rainbow fish that we made sharing our pieces with our friends.  

Sight words:  is, was
Letter of the week:  Pp--we pretend we are painting as we say the /p/ sound.
Our last color of the week:  orange

Math this week:  We are finishing up Topic 4.  Thank you for making sure your child completed the homework packet so they are more prepared for the test tomorrow!  
Topic 5 is over Numbers to 20.  Please start working on 11 to 20 at home!  Naming the number and writing them.

Wednesday we are going to do some fun Pumpkin Measuring for math!

Coming up!
Oct. 31      Halloween Party!  Parade at 2:30 and party following until 3:15. 
Nov. 1        Wear orange today!  Peyton has the orange snack.
Nov. 2       Field trip--bring a disposable sack lunch and disposable water bottle.  
Nov. 8       Rainbow  snack--Mrs. Scott
Nov. 16     Happy Bear presentation

Nov. 21-25   Thanksgiving Break

Pink Day

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