Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The week of Oct. 16-19.

I hope your kids and you were able to enjoy the long weekend!

Halloween Party!  It is on Halloween, Oct. 31.  Please send your child's Halloween costume in a bag and put it in their backpack.  If it doesn't fit, make sure their name is on the bag.  The costumes that are the easiest are ones that can be pulled over their clothes.  Please remember that weapons are not allowed.  These could be fairy wands, swords, knives, hooks, or anything that could poke someone.  Also, masks should be saved for trick-or-treating.  The parade begins at 2:30.  If you are coming to help your child get dressed, please be here by 2:20.  Party coordinators can arrive at 2:15 to set up.  A sign-up genius will be emailed soon to give you an opportunity to donate items for the party.  All parents are welcome to come to the party!  We love as much help as we can get!!

We have worked hard during our Daily Five stations to be ready for me to work with reading groups.  I am starting reading groups this week, however I am just working on skills.  So, a baggie with a note and a skill sheet will come home with your child the day I work with your child's reading group.  Please do the worksheet with your child and send it bag in the baggie the next day.  I will be sending home little books with your child possibly the week of Nov. 5, if I feel they are ready. If not, we will keep working on skills only.  I will always have a skill sheet that comes home each week with the reader.  Let me know if you have any questions.

Reading this week!
We are reading some informative texts, and discussing the main idea and details of each text.  I always like to read a fiction book to compare and contrast so the class understands the difference between the two.

Writing:  2-3 days a week we are writing sentences about a given topic.  The kids are doing great trying to sound out the words and making a complete sentence with a capital letter and punctuation mark!  I'm so proud of how far they have come already!

Handwriting:  L, U, V, W.

Sight words:  a, she,
Letter of the week:  short i and long i
Color of the week is white:  Zachary has the white snack!

Math this week!
We are comparing numbers that are greater and less than other numbers.  Today, we put number cards in order to 10 and had to find numbers greater and less than numbers Mrs. Scott said.
You can ask these questions in the car or anytime to help your child understand which numbers to 10 are greater or less than others!

Coming Up!
Oct. 18       Wear white today!  Zachary has the white snack.
Oct. 19      Gradecards posted on Skyward
Oct.  25     Wear pink today!  Chloe has the pink snack.

Oct. 31      Halloween Party!  Parade at 2:30 and party following until 3:15. 
Nov. 2       Field trip--bring a disposable sack lunch and disposable water bottle.  More info. to come.

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