Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The week of Oct. 15-18.

I hope you all had a nice break with your family!  I had an exciting weekend I'd like to share about!  My daughter, Hallie, got 3rd place in Tennis regionals in singles and is going to State on Friday at Pittsburgh!  This is her first year playing singles, so she's done well!  Here's a picture!
So, I will be gone again on Friday to watch her play.  My sub. is Jen Mier.  The class had her as a sub. in Art recently.

Grade cards will be posted on Friday, the 18th around 4:00. I will be sending home information about them on Thursday to ensure they get taken home before I'm absent on Friday.  You have already logged on to finish enrollment in August, so you will just log on the same way.  If you have any questions call Jill Ussery or email her.
This week in Reading!  We are reading 2 nonfiction stories about what bears need to survive and what plants (pumpkins) need to survive!  Then we will compare how fiction stories about bears and pumpkins are the same/different as the nonfiction stories.  We will also do the 5 finger retell after reading the fiction stories.  Please make sure to so that at home too after reading stories.

Letter of the week:  short and long Ii
sight words:  a, she
color:  white (Kinsley has the snack)

Reading groups- This week I will be working with small groups on skills to help them understand how they work.  Beginning the week of Oct. 21 I will be sending home little readers and a skill sheet that will need to be read at least 2-3 times and the skill sheet completed and sent back the following school day.  

Book-It Calendar!  Just a reminder to fill out the October book-it calendar each night you are reading to/with your child.  It was in your conference folder.  Some kids hadn't seen it when I showed it to them last week.  Thank you for participating!

Math this week!  We continue to learn about one/two more and one/two fewer.  Fewer is such a hard concept for the kids.  Working on this in our everyday life will help them understand that we count back, we can also say what's "before", and what's less than.  Throw it in your conversations to help it make sense, such as; "what is one fewer fork at the table."  

Handwriting--  H, K, L, V

Fish HW-- It's due on Oct. 21, so you have another week to help your child complete the project.

Field Trip Permission Form and money--Thank you to those that have returned it.  Please return it by this Friday!  

Coming up!
Thurs. Oct. 17 .    White Day (Kinsley)
Fri. Oct. 18 .         Grades posted
Thurs. Oct. 24 .    Pink Day
Thurs. Oct. 31 .    Halloween Parade at 9:00, Orange Day (Jackson)

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