Monday, October 21, 2019

The week of Oct. 21-25.

Brr!  It's cold today with that wind and no sun!  Please remember to start sending a heavier jacket to school.  The thin sweatshirts are not quite enough.  Thank you!
I hope you had a great weekend!
In case you're wondering...Hallie won 2 matches and lost 2 matches Friday.  Yes, she had to play 4 matches!  She did very well the first time going!

I came back today to good news!  My class did well with my sub. and got rewarded with a cookie snack and a Halloween pencil!  If today finishes well, they'll get out of the treasure box too!  I have been so pleased with how they have really turned a corner and are following directions much better!  It takes time to build stamina, friendships, and understanding of what's expected of them in Kindergarten.  Thank you to you too for your wonderful support at home!

Thank you all for turning in your Field Trip permission forms and money!  The kids will wear their green shirts from Camp K over whatever they wear.  I have them here, so I'll slip them on when they come that Friday.  They are easy to find in one color!

Grade cards!  If you haven't had a chance to view your child's grade card on Skyward, please do so.  You should have the user and password to see them from Aug. enrollment.  Go to Skyward Family access off our website or the District website under parents, and log in.  Please sign and send back the half sheet when you've had a chance to see it.  Let me know if you have any questions!

Reading this week!
We are reading "What Do Plants Need?".  We are learning about labeling pictures, about Table of Contents, index, and glossary.  They need:  air, water, food, sun.

Sight words:  look, at
Letter of the week:  Ff (I have a few more that need to turn in their "fish" homework)
Color:  Pink--Emma has the pink snack

Keep reading every night with your child!  It's so important to even get in 10 minutes before bed or while they are taking a bath, etc.  I feel that most of the kids have a big interest in reading to you now!  Dig out those bucket books and show them how excited you are to listen!

Small reading groups!  This week your child will bring home a little reader in a baggie with a skill sheet.  I am telling them to read their book at least 2-3 times to someone at home.  The skill sheet is usually over the skills we worked on in our group.  Please try hard to have your child do their homework baggie the night they bring it home, so it doesn't get forgotten.  Let me know if you have any questions!

Math this week!  We continue to focus on counting up 2 more and back 2 fewer.  I've seen major progress on these concepts!  When we count up 2, we use make a fist, say the number to start with, and show a finger when we count up 1 and 2 more.  You can do the same counting back.

Ordering numbers to 10.  The hardest thing about ordering numbers is understanding how to put them in order starting from a number different than 0 or 1.  For example, the numbers 6, 7, 8, 9 are given mixed up and they have to put them in order.  This would be an easy practice at home with number cards.

Handwriting:  V, W, X, Y

Coming up!
Thurs. Oct. 24 .    Pink Day

Thurs. Oct. 31 .    Halloween Parade at 9:00, Orange Day (Jackson)
Fri. Nov. 1 .           Field Trip to Kaleidoscope, lunch, and Planetarium!
Tues. Nov. 5           Skating Party
Wed. Nov. 6           Delayed Start at 10:40
Thurs. Nov. 7         Rainbow Day!

Black Color Picture

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