Monday, October 28, 2019

The week of Oct. 25-Nov. 1

Oh my!  It is sure cold at recess!  Please remember to send your child in a winter coat, hat, gloves, scarf, etc.!! Everything warm!  If the wind chill is above 22 degrees we can go out, so just plan accordingly please.
The kids need to get out and run!

We have a busy week ahead!  Our Halloween parade and party is this Thursday.  As of right now, we are parading outside.  So, dress your child warm under their costume! Remember to have him/her wear their costume to school!  It is also orange day, so if your child can wear orange under their costume, it will work well!  I have some fun academic Halloween activities planned for this day.  We will be eating our treat right after the parade, then taking off our costume.  You may send a bag for the costume to be put in, in their backpack.

Field Trip Friday!!!  Look for a note coming home today to tell about reminders about what is needed for our field trip.  Please dress your child in comfortable shoes.  I have their green t-shirts from Camp K. to put on them here at school.  We will leave as close to 9:00 as possible, so please make sure your child is here by 8:45, so I have time to get their t-shirts on them and nametags, along with disposable, sack lunches accounted for.

Little readers--I hope you are enjoying your child reading their little reading books to you!  They know they need to read the book 2-3 times each time it comes home to know the words well!  Please ask questions about the book.  1.  The characters . 2.  The setting . 3.   Beginning, middle, and end if it's a fiction book.  Ask them to tell you what it was about and see if they share those parts with you.  
We are also working on the who the author, illustrator, and publisher are, along with their job.  

Your child will usually bring home their little reader on the same day, so you can expect homework on the same day most weeks.  Please make sure to check their folder for papers and homework each night.  Some kids are coming back to school with schoolwork still in their folder.  And some are forgetting to take it home!

Me on the Map!  We are going to be learning about where we live in a few weeks.  (Shawnee, Johnson County, Kansas, United States, North America) .   In your child's folder, you will find a blank address sheet for you to help them fill out.  I would like your child to write the address on the sheet.  They can copy it from what you write if you'd like.  It's a good time to help your child learn their address too!  Please send it back by Nov. 4.

Name homework!  I apologize for not informing you of the first name homework.  If you didn't catch it, there is a 2nd page attached for your child to write their name 4 times and return to school.  Some name sheets were found still in folders, so please check those today.  They may have left the folder in their desk on Friday.  Thank you!

This week in reading!
We are learning about "What Animals Need" to survive, much like ourselves.
We will also be reading "Spookley the Square Pumpkin" and drawing and writing a sentence about our favorite parts.  We will be discussing what our opinions mean.

sight words: is, was
letter of the week:  Pp
color of the week:  orange . (Jackson has the color snack)

Math this week!
Our test over Topic 4 Comparing and  Ordering Numbers 0-10 will be completed this week.  Our test will be on Wednesday.  Understanding the concept "fewer" is still a challenge for some.  Practice putting 4 given number cards in order when they are mixed up.  

Jack-o-lantern activity today!
We designed our own Jack-o-lantern on a pumpkin with a pencil to form a 2-D JOL.  Then, we used the design to form a 3-D JOL on another pumpkin.  It was fun to see if our drawing was too hard to make 3-D and to see our friends' Jack-o-lanterns too!

Enjoy the pictures below!

Coming up
Thurs. Oct. 31 .    Halloween Parade at 9:00, Orange Day (Jackson)
Fri. Nov. 1 .           Field Trip to Kaleidoscope, lunch, and Planetarium!
Tues. Nov. 5           Skating Party
Wed. Nov. 6           Delayed Start at 10:40
Thurs. Nov. 7         Rainbow Day!

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