Monday, October 7, 2019

The week of Oct. 7-10.

We had a great time at Apple Day!  Thank you to all of the parents that helped us out!  The stations were very creative and the kids had a blast! Check out the pics below.  
The Firetruck/Firemen also came and talked about the truck and how they help us.  Did your child mention to check smoke alarms at home and make sure to have a meeting place in case of a fire?

We have a short week.  No school on Friday or next Monday.  
Our field trip is on Friday, Nov. 1.  We are going to Kaleidoscope at Crown Center and to the Planetarium at Union Station.  More information will be coming home on Thursday, including a permission form.  

I had several parents that signed up to go.  I drew out 4 names and this is who I drew.  If you're name wasn't drawn, I'm sorry.  If your name was drawn, but it doesn't work for you to go now, please let me know asap, so I can draw another name.

Here's our field trip volunteers:  Sarah Ford, Joe Gauna, Kelli Worthing, Kellee George.  

Substitute:  I have a sub. Julie Koehn, tomorrow (Tuesday) . She is the same I had last time.  Please let the office know of any changes at dismissal, so they can inform Julie.

Reading this week!  Our story this week is "The Little Red Hen".  Ask your child who the characters are, the setting, and what happens in the story.  Is there a problem/solution?

Fish Project:  This week a project for the letter Ff will be sent home on Thursday to be returned on Monday, Oct. 21.  There will be a letter explaining what to do with the fish.  

Letter of the week:  Nn
Sight words:  be, my (these are our last two 1st qtr. sight words)
color:  Black (Evelynn has the black snack)

Social Studies:  Columbus day is Monday, so we will be reading about Columbus and making a flipbook with the ships--The Nina, The Pinta, and the The Santa Maria.

Math this week!  We have a test this week on Topic 3 over Six to Ten.  Our next Topic 4 is over Comparing and Ordering Numbers to 10.  We will revisit more, fewer, and ordering numbers to 10.

Handwriting:  We are reviewing how to write the Frog Hop letters:  F, E, D, P, B, R, N, M

Coming up!

Thurs. Oct. 10 .    Black Day!  
Fri. Oct. 11 .         No School--1/2 Prof. Dev. and 1/2 workday on gradecards.
Mon. Oct. 14 .      No School--Professional Development Day
Fri. Oct. 18 .         Grades posted
Thurs. Oct. 24 .    Pink Day
Thurs. Oct. 31 .    Halloween Parade at 9:00, Orange Day

Apple Day Fun!

Games in the hall

 Making Johnny Appleseed pot hats
 Making our instruments
 Singing apple songs with our instruments
 Apple tree painting
 Apple painting

 Apple puzzles
 Balancing apples!
 Apple construction with toothpicks

 Using apples to make volcanoes!

Firetruck and Firemen!

 Johnny Appleseeds

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