Monday, November 16, 2020

The week of Nov. 16-20

 Wow!  I can't believe how close we are to Thanksgiving Break!  

Masks:  Please make sure your child's mask fits them snuggly and does not fall off their nose.  Also, make sure they have a clean mask every day with a spare mask in their backpack if it gets wet.

We have been having a lot of fun with our science unit learning about Light and Shadows last week!  We found out that light will shine through transparent objects and a little through translucent objects.  But, it won't shine through opaque objects.  

Thank you for sending in flashlights!  The kids had a blast looking for words around the room with their flashlight, making shadows with them, and doing our flashlight science experiment finding out what objects are transparent, translucent, and opaque.  

Friday they heard a book called, "Sam and the Firefly" about a Firefly who made words in the air with his light.  Today, we made Gus, the Firefly, out of a water bottle, glowstick, and antennas made out of a pipe cleaner.  Check it out when your child comes home!  We turned off the lights and wrote our spelling words in the air with Gus.

This week we are beginning the study of the moon.  There's so much to learn about it!  I know I'm going to learn right along with the kids!  :)

Continue reviewing our spelling list over the short o words and 6 sight words.  The test will be in this Friday, Nov. 20. The words are:   

pot, top, job, dog, frog, stop

at, is, was, he, on, in

Math:  We have been working on fact families in class.  See if your child can do some at home with a subtraction problem you give them.  This concept will be on their test coming up on Thursday.

8 - 5 =3

8 - 3 =5

5 + 3 = 8

3 + 5 = 8

The children seem to be understanding addition and subtraction well.  You can make flashcards at home or buy them cheap at Walmart to work on memorization of the facts up to the answer of 10.  Our next Chapter is addition up to 20, so it would be helpful for your child to know them by heart up to 10 to move on learning the next chapter.

Coming up!

Nov. 19.  Picture Retakes--Bring back pictures from first picture day.

Nov. 20.  Spelling test

Nov. 25-27. Thanksgiving Break

Dec. 2--Mrs. Scott's class will shop at the book fair!!  Send in money.  Let your child know what they can buy.  More books than trinkets!

Dec. 23-Jan. 4. Christmas Break
Turkeys in Disguise!  So cute!

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