Monday, November 2, 2020

The week of Nov. 2-5.

 Thank you all so much for attending your child's conference!  It was great to put names with faces!  Your kids are all doing fabulous and are making my job really fun!  If you ever have any questions or concerns please let me know!

Grade cards will go out on Nov. 9 on Skyward.  It is mostly review of what we talked about at conferences.  

This week we are talking about needs/wants, goods/services, and consumer/producer in ELA/Social Studies.  

Our sight words this week are:  you, in, and

Spelling words:  a, we, by, the, she, be,  short i words:  lid, big, hip, sit, chin, ship

I will add 2 challenge words each test that may include a consonant blend like: st, gr- with a short i ending.

Or I may add a consonant digraph such as; ch, sh, th, wh- to the short i ending or whatever vowel we are working on.

The spelling test will be this Thursday, Nov. 5 since kids are not here on Friday, Nov. 6.

Math--We are working on subtraction from ten.  If we have not completed the backside of the worksheet, your child is always welcome to complete it at home and bring it back for a ticket or piece of candy.  The same goes for the homework ws that they may bring home.  If I assign the homework sheet, I'll let you know.  If I notice your child needs extra practice I will write "Please do HW" and send it back.  

Enjoy the Halloween pics!  You can always download them to your computer!

First Grade Teachers as Waldo!

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