Monday, November 30, 2020

The week of Nov. 30-Dec. 4

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  My family sure did!  I was ready to come back and see the kids.

Brr!  The weather sure turned wintry feeling. This week looks like winter coat, hats, gloves, and scarves weather!  Please make sure your child wears a winter coat to school.  Sweatshirts are just not warm enough.  Hats and gloves will help keep the ears and hands warm too!  We will go out unless it's below freezing or raining/snowing.  

Book Fair Shopping!  Our class gets to shop at the book fair on Wednesday if you'd like to send in money!  Or you can check out Mrs. Arter's ewallet so he/she is not carrying cash!  They bring in a certificate you print off.  Check out her past emails about it!

Fastbridge Testing!  It seems like we just did this testing, but we it's time to do it again!  Unfortunately, the only time I have to test is when I would be doing my small group reading time.  So, books will be delayed coming home until the testing is done for reading and math.

Please keep reading at home each night!  If you still have all of the paper books from last year, they would be great to read again!  Or you can check out books at the library.  Bob Books are awesome books on your child's level that can be checked out at the public library or found on Amazon.  If you're interested, let me know and I will tell you what level to buy for your child.

Spelling Words--A new list is coming home today!

Short e words--pet, hen, fed, tell, sled, then

We have 7 sight words on our spelling test in two weeks--Nov. 11.

and, you, but, with, had, for, his

ELA/Science--This week we are continuing our study of the moon by learning the 8 phases of the moon!  The New Moon, Waning Crescent, Third Quarter or Half Moon, Waning Gibbous, Full, Waxing Gibbous, First Quarter, or Half Moon Waxing Crescent, and back to New.  We will be doing various activities to learn these Phases this week-ending the week with a Moon Phases snack!

Writing--Each Monday we write a Weekend Journal.  We are learning to write a topic sentence and 1-2 detail sentences about it.  It's hard to learn that we need to use periods instead of "ands"in our sentences.  The kids are doing an awesome job with writing detailed sentences!  Wednesdays, we write a Squiggle Journal.  The kids make a squiggle in to something and tell about it.  Most Fridays, we find Waldo in our classroom and write where we find him.

Math--Addition to 20.

We are learning that knowing our doubles up to the answer of 20 will really help us with near doubles.  If we know 6 + 6 = 12, then we can figure out that 6 + 7 = 13 or 

5 + 6 = 11.  So our new goal is to memorize our doubles up to 10 + 10 = 20!  Please work on these at home!  I will send home doubles flashcards this week to practice with your child!

Another strategy we will be learning is making a ten and what's left to add.  So, if I have 9 + 6, I would take one off of 6 and add it to 9 to make 10 + 5.  It's way easier to add to a 10 then a 9!

Lastly, we will be adding 3 digits together.  First we will look for a double or find a ten to add to the third number.  

Lots of strategies are helpful to add!

Coming up!

Dec. 2--Mrs. Scott's class will shop at the book fair!!  Send in money.  Let your child know what they can buy.  More books than trinkets!

Dec. 23-Jan. 4. Christmas Break

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