Monday, November 9, 2020

The week of Nov. 9-13.

 I hope you enjoyed the beautiful weather last weekend!  

Grade cards will be on Skyward on Wednesday.  There shouldn't be any surprises since we just conferenced about your child recently.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  It is good to show your child their grade card and how they did on it.  

Picture retakes are next Thursday, Nov. 19.  Please let me know if your child is getting their pics retaken, so the office knows how many to expect.  Thank you.

2nd quarter sight words (the next 25) are in your child's folder.  Start reviewing these at home!  

If you child passed 1st quarter sight words last week, they received a certificate.  If he/she needs to review any, they have a note with the words to practice at home.  Please look for one of these in their folder!

Sight words this week:  but, with

The new spelling list is in your child's folder also.  The focus vowel is short "o". The test will be in two weeks on Nov. 20. The words are:   

pot, top, job, dog, frog, stop

at, is, was, he, on, in

ELA/Science:  Today we began our unit on Light.  We will be reading about light in our science books.  We made a word web telling all of the ways we can get light.  We will be doing some fun things with the flashlights you sent in with shadows and searching for words.  If you haven't sent in a flashlight, you still have time!!

Specials: We will begin PE tomorrow for the next 5 days!  Please make sure your child is wearing tennis shoes through Monday, Nov. 16!

Math homework:  I love how many of your children are choosing to do the math homework for extra practice!  

Coming up!

Nov. 19.  Picture Retakes

Nov. 20.  Spelling test

Nov. 25-27. Thanksgiving Break

Dec. 2--Mrs. Scott's class will shop at the book fair!!

Dec. 23-Jan. 4. Christmas Break

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