Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The week of Oct. 17-20.

I hope your kids enjoyed a nice break!

Grade cards!  Grade cards will be on Skyward Friday at 4:00.  Hopefully you all have called the office for your user and password to get on to see them.  If not, please do so before Friday.  We do not print them until 4th quarter.  It is very important for you to show your child how they are doing and what they need to work on, either by printing them or showing them on the computer.  Please let me know if you have any questions on how to get to the grade card.

Istation!  Are your kids able to get on Istation at home?  If not, please confer with me, so we can figure out how to help you make that happen.  It is amazing how much the phonetic awareness skills that they work on, on Istation help!  They can take the Ipad with them on trips, on errands in the car, outside on the swing, to Grandma's, and anytime you can think of to get 15 min., 3 different times.  45 minutes is all I'm looking for to help your child be a better reader!  If I have 100% reach 45 min. I will eat lunch with the class!  Hopefully your child helps out the class!

Addresses!  I almost have everyone's address sheet returned!  I need them tomorrow, so your child can copy their address on Thursday!

Field Trip Permission form and $4!  Thank you to those that were so on the ball to get your child's field trip permission forms in and $4.  No worries if you haven't sent it in yet, but please get it in soon so it doesn't get lost or forgotten. :) We need it by Nov. 3!

Small Reading Groups!  I began small reading groups today to work on skills and read books that will be sent home.  There may be times that I just work on skills for some groups.  If you only get a skills worksheet in your child's bag and no book, it's ok.  We didn't read a book yet in your child's group.  Go ahead and have your child do the skills sheet and return it in the bag.  If your child has a book and skill sheet, please return both the following day unless it didn't get read the night before.  I would rather they keep it an extra day to read it a couple of times before returning it.  Always leave the note with their name on it in the bag please.  Let me know if you have any questions.

This week in Reading!  Our story this week is Goldilocks and the Three Bears, retold by Brenda Parkes.  We learned that retold means that Ms. Parkes may have changed it a little when she rewrote it.  Ask your child what was new in the story. (It had a microwave and refrigerator!)

We are retelling the important events in the story which may answer the 5 W's and H.  Who, what, when, where, why, and how in a story.

We will be looking for describing words for feelings in the story.

Letter of the week!  Tt  (pretend you are tickling for the action)  Each day I give the class a riddle for a picture that either begins with Tt, the Tt is in the middle or the end of the word.  The class is awesome riddle solvers!  Then we take turns spelling the word!  I am amazed at how they are learning to sound out words using their body walk to spell!

Sight words be, my, white  (Can your child tell you a sentence using these words?  Better yet, can they write a sentence using all three together for a challenge?

Math this week
We are learning to count back this week finding one fewer and 2 fewer, along with counting up one and two more. For a bonus today, we made subtraction problems to go with the stories we told on the front.  Some of your children wrote the problems down. Your child has a homework page to return tomorrow!  Please make sure they complete it and return it.  It's the beginning of learning responsibility for returning their homework on time!!

Social Studies!  We are learning about maps this week!  We will also learn how to draw a map of our bedroom!  This will come home to work on at home the end of the week!  

Handwriting! We are writing the capital V this week.

Coming Up!
Oct. 18           White Day--Alaina has the white snack!
Oct. 20            Mother/Son event
Oct. 25            Pink day--Lydia has the pink snack!

Oct. 31           Fall Party/parade starts at 2:30
Nov. 1             Orange Day--Emery has the orange snack!
Nov. 4             Winter Wonderland  11:00-1:00
Nov. 10           Field trip!  

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