Sunday, October 1, 2017

The week of Oct. 2-6.

What a beautiful fall weekend!  The weather was so perfect and I just love seeing the fall colors everywhere!

Thank you all for coming to conferences to meet with me on your child's progress so far in kindergarten!  I really appreciate your wonderful support at home with academics and behavior!  It sure makes my job so much easier and enjoyable!

We have a busy week this week!  Picture day is Wednesday.  We will have individual pics and class pics.  Brown day will be Thursday since we have pictures Wednesday! Lastly, we have our fun Apple Day on Friday morning!  The kids are looking so forward to doing many activities involving apples!

Reading this week!  
Our story this week is called, "Rules Are Cool".  It's a realistic fiction story that the kids will learn means a the characters are like real people and the events could happen in real life.  

We will also be using our 5-finger story retell with our fiction book.  Keep practicing this at home too when you read with your child. 
1.  Ask the characters (who is the main character?)
2.  What is the setting (time of day and place)  
3.  What happened in the beginning?  
4. What happened in the middle? 
 5.  What happened at the end?
This is so important to always ask to make sure your child is comprehending what you are reading and what they are reading.  Many times it is easy to read a story and not really pay attention to the plot.  

Writing in our journals--During our Daily 5 stations, we have a journal write.  Each day a different group will write with a prompt in their journal.  This week we will write about "I play...".  We have been learning what a verb is, so we are using "play" as our topic.
You can have your child finish the sentence at home too!  They can finish the sentence with the beginning letter of the word they want.  For instance, "I play s." for "I play soccer."  If they can sound it out to spell it, then of course we want them to!

Nouns, Verbs, and now adjectives!  I have to admit this is the soonest I have ever began talking about parts of a sentence!  Our new reading program is starting kindergartners off strong!
I will talk about describing words make everything we say and write more interesting!  We will read some fun books that have lots of describing words.  I just love the "Fancy Nancy" books!  She really teaches colorful vocabulary!  See if you can find great books to read to your child with colorful, describing words in them!

Sight words this week!  see, brown
Letter of the week--review short a, introduce long a (using the a_e, rule--silent e on the end makes the vowel say it's long name.)

Handwriting Without Tears-- We will be practicing writing our first name correctly!  Only a capital at the beginning and lowercase after.  Also, making sure all letters are being written correctly from the top!  The capital letters M and N will be introduced and we will review all the capital letters we have written so far!

Math this week!
We are finishing up Topic 3 writing and reading numbers to 10.  We will have fun with patterning and take the test on Wednesday.  Topic 4 will be over Comparing and Ordering Numbers 0-10.

Thank you all for your patience on our math program.  I know it is simple for most students but it is kindergarten curriculum.  You are doing great at home challenging your child with higher level math as I try to add in our lessons!

Social Studies
We will read Apple Poems, learn about who Johnny Appleseed is by reading stories and putting together a book in sequential order.  We are gearing up for Apple Day!

Coming up!
Wed. Oct.   4    Individual picture day (send in money unless you order on-line) 
Thurs. Oct.   5  Wear brown today!  Cooper has the brown snack!
Oct. 6              Apple Day -Mrs. Scott's class participates in the AM
Oct. 13           No School--PD/workday
Oct. 16           No School--PD all day
Oct. 18           White Day--Alaina has the white snack!
Oct. 25            Pink day--Lydia has the pink snack!
Oct. 31           Fall Party/parade starts at 2:30

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