Monday, October 23, 2017

The week of Oct. 23-27.

Wow!  We are so close to the end of October!  I love fall, because there are so many fun things to do this time of year in Kindergarten!

We are beginning a Spider Study today, lasting through next Tuesday.  I am not a fan of spiders myself, however I think it's good to know what are good spiders and dangerous spiders.  It's also fun to see a spider web and know what kind of web it is and what spider may have made it!  We are also going to learn the body parts and what family the spider is in.  Look for spiders around the room if you come to our Halloween party!

The Halloween Party will be on Oct. 31 at 2:45.  We will parade at 2:30 to the 1st/2nd hall out the doors and back through the 3rd/4th hall, then back to our room.  It will end at 3:15, so all can get their cars out of the car loop and bus loop.  All costumes need to be brought in their backpacks or in a trash sack if they don't fit in the backpack.  They will change into them at 2:15.  It helps if it's one that can be pulled over their clothing.  If not, hopefully we will have moms and dads to take them to dress in the bathrooms.  The more the merrier!  Let me know if you have any questions!

I have everyone's field trip money and permission form!  Thank you so much for getting those in so quickly!

Journals!  We have been working on this "Shared Reading" packet that goes with our new reading program.  You will see the growth of your child and their writing from the several weeks ago until now!  I am amazed myself.  We read a short story, look for certain things in the story to circle, then I pick a topic about the story for them to illustrate a picture and write a sentence!  We work on a lot in these packets.  We will continue doing these all year long!  They will come home after we do two units, so we are about done with the first two units.  Have your child read their sentences to you!

Reading this week!  Our story this week is  "Little Red Hen".  We are looking for the different ways characters talk.  The duck quacked it's sentence, the dog barked, the cat meowed, and the pig grunted.  We will learn that these are the actions that each make!  After reading it a few times, we will come up with a different ending together!  

Sight word--she
Letter of the week-N (We have also learned sh and th so far) It really helps with writing words!

Math this week!
We are finishing Topic 4, ordering numbers through 10.  Our test will be this week.  
Topic 5 will be over Numbers to 20!  Counting, reading, and writing them.

Handwriting this week!  We are writing X, Y, Z

Pictures!  I will do my best to get more pictures on the blog!  I'm trying to find time to get that component done!  

Coming up!
Oct. 25            Pink day--Lydia has the pink snack!
Oct. 31           Fall Party/parade starts at 2:30
Nov. 1             Orange Day--Emery has the orange snack!
Nov. 4             Winter Wonderland  11:00-1:00
Nov. 10           Field trip!  

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