Monday, October 9, 2017

The week of Oct. 9-12.

It's great to be back to school feeling healthy again!  Thank you for hanging in there with me!  I so hope we don't have any more strep throat in our classroom!

We had a super Apple Day!  There was more help than we've ever had!  It made it a successful day!  The kids will always remember Apple Day in Kindergarten!  Thank you all!

Just a reminder that we have a 4 day week this week and next.  No school this Friday and next Monday for kids only.

Fire Prevention month!  The firemen and fire trucks will visit us this Thursday from 9:00-9:45.  Please make sure your child wears a jacket in the morning to school as we will be standing outside for 20 min. and it's only going to be in the 60's.  

Social Studies  this week!  Did you know today was Columbus Day?  You may not have if you don't get off work.  He sailed the ocean blue in 1492!  We are making a pop-up book with the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria.  Ask your child what they learned about Christopher Columbus.  We will also have a journal about "If we went on a long voyage, where would we go?".  The kids are really improving on writing sentences.  Most are able to write a sentence with good spacing, and at least writing the first letter of each word, if not sounding out the whole word.

This week in Reading!
We are reading 2 fables this week and learning what a "moral" to a story is. Fables are also shorter than a book.   Today we read, "The Tortoise and the Hare"  and found out how slow and steady can win a race.  The other fable we will read is, "The Lion and the Mouse".  We will talk about the character's feelings in the story and find out that the moral of that story is; it doesn't matter what your size is, you can always be helpful.  

The order of events in a story are important to help a story make sense called sequencing.  We will list the events in each story.  I'm going to mix them up and have fun reading it.  Then we will work together to put them back in order.

In our journals, we will write our opinion of who we liked better; the tortoise or the hare.  

Letter of the week:  Ss     We are listening for the /s/ in the beginning, middle, and end of the word.  You can also give your child a word and have them tell you where they hear the /s/ sound.   (I am also introducing /sh/ to help with writing words!)
Sight words:  by, we  (We are beginning 2nd quarter sight words next week!)

Color word:  black  (Addison has the black snack for Wednesday!)

Singular/Plural:  Yes we are already introducing singular and plural words by adding an s. 
The kids are such little sponges!  I love hearing stories from you parents on what they are telling you at home that they learned! 

Math this week! 
Topic 4:  Comparing and Ordering Numbers 0 to 10.  We will be using the verbiage:  greater, less, more, fewer to compare numbers.  We will also be counting by using ten frames, adding one and two more.  

Field Trip on Nov. 10!  Look for a field trip permission form coming home this Thursday for our all day field trip to the Union Station Planetarium, Hallmark Visitor's Center, and Kaleidoscope.  You will need to sign the permission form and send either 4-one dollar bills/or a check made out to Clear Creek Elementary for $4.  We will not make change to make it easier on us.  Please have both the permission form and money back to me by 11/03/17.  

Report cards!  Believe it or not I will be working on report cards this week!  They won't go live on Skyward until the end of next week though.  We do not make any paper copies of your child's report cards until 4th quarter.  So, you will have to get on your child's Skyward account to view them.  

I will give out more information on how to read the report card in my blog next week!

Coming up!  
Oct. 11           Black Day--Addison has the black snack! (Sorry this wasn't on here before)
Oct. 12           Fire Dept. to visit CCE
Oct. 13           No School--PD/workday
Oct. 16           No School--PD all day
Oct. 18           White Day--Alaina has the white snack!
Oct. 25            Pink day--Lydia has the pink snack!
Oct. 31           Fall Party/parade starts at 2:30

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